Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today in science we explored what magnets stick to and what they don't stick to. On a chart we wrote down the different objects we were using and had to predict whether or not they would be attracted to the magnet. After we made our predictions, we got to explore and determine if we were right on our predictions or not.

In health we are continuing to learn about the four pillars of care. Today we discussed 'Caring for Self'. Altogether, we brainstormed many ways we can take care or ourselves. Some ideas we came up with are:
-practice self control
-eat plenty of healthy food
-drink plenty of water
-don't hurt ourselves
-exercise everyday
-keep yourself safe
We also discussed what doing these things looks like and feels like and why we Care for Self.

We are continuing to move through stations in Phys Ed. Everyday we learn new ways we can play and have fun with the different types of equipment.

When we have been working on one thing for a while or start to get a little antsy, we have a quick brain break; today we used a program called GoNoodle. It is on the computer and we follow along from the projector on the board. We have an avatar that grows every time 10 activities are completed. Today, we ran in a hurdle race and got the gold medal!

- meet the teacher forms are due tomorrow
- please return technology form
- Book orders are due on Tuesday, September 22, 2015
- ensure your child is following the school dress code (stated in the student handbook, which can be found on the school website) and dressing appropriately for the changing weather

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