Thursday, 17 September 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today, we practice our word wall words more. We had to find the missing letter in each word and unscramble them too. Tomorrow we have a spelling test on these words. Here are the words again to practice tonight.

In science we talked about which material we think Willy Wonka should use for a new candy bar that will stick to a magnetic machine. We each wrote down a prediction of what material we think he should use and explained why. Tomorrow we will be testing different metals to see which stick to a magnet.

In Phys Ed we did stations again, but today, some of them were different.

For math we did a repeating patterns assessment. We got a big piece of paper and made as many different repeating patterns as we could. Then we had to write the pattern rule and circle the core of the pattern. We did very well on this activity.

Today, we got to go to music. We wrote and circled around music notes. At the end of class, we created a song about music altogether.

- meet the teacher meetings are next week
- Book orders due Tuesday, September 22, 2015

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