Monday, 21 September 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Welcome back and hope all of you enjoyed the lovely weekend.

This morning we looked at a new set of word wall words. We noticed that some of them are even from the same family, like box and fox. We have written the words down and are bringing them home, and since it is a short week, our quiz will be on Thursday. Our words are as follows:

In Phys Ed today we started to practice running for our school wide Terry Fox run that will be next week.

We have finished repeating patterns in math, so today we did some work with place value. After we worked together, learning the difference between ones, tens, and hundreds, we got to show what we know using base ten blocks.

We had music again today and had a quiz on the music notes we have already learned! We also got to learn a couple new ones.

Finally, we talked about the 3rd pillar of care, which was 'Care for Place'. Altogether, we brainstormed what we do both inside and outside the school to care for the place we learn. Some ideas we came up with were:
-pick up and throw away garbage
-push in chairs
-remove hazards from spaces
-walk in hallways and classrooms
-clean up after lunch
-make sure school materials are in their proper places
We followed this with drawing some of the ways we 'Care for Place' on a picture of a school or classroom, that was already printed out.

-Book orders are due tomorrow
-Meet the Teacher conferences Thursday afternoon and Friday, book your appointment online (note went home today)

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