Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Welcome to March!

This morning we did our regular morning meeting with the warm up dance, then spent some time with the Grade 1 class reading together.

After Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words. There were five options we had:
-Scrabble write - vowels and consonants were worth points and we had to add up the total of the word
-ABC order
-Choo Choo - writing all the words together as one big word, but with each word as a different color
-Rhyming Words
-BIG and small
Ask me what ways I practiced them today!

Following recess we finished our journal writing on Caring for Others. We started it yesterday after brainstorming all the ways Caring for Others looks like, feels like, and sounds like. A few ideas we came up with were:
-listening to others
-stopping a bully
-using the 9 problem solving strategies (the wheel)
-being kind and respectful
-using the buddy bench outside
-playing with others and including others

After lunch we had music then math. In math we continued graphing. This is the final week for graphing, next week we start addition and subtraction. Today we learned and practiced how to collect data before making a graph. Together we came up with the following 5 steps:
1. choose a topic
2. create a question about your topic
3. pick 4 option for people to choose from
4. collect your data using a chart and tally marks
5. write the number of tally marks
Tomorrow we learn how to create a pictograph using our data!

-March Book orders due Friday
-Home Reading
-Anyone with homework still at home, that needs to come back to school as soon as possible

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