Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Tomorrow is our word wall quiz! Will you help me practice tonight?

Group A: went, sent, ant, bend, find, mind, kind, want, day, may
Group B: more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring
Group C: have, give, love, from, live, friend, much, such, old, told

We got to do Daily 5 today! The ipads have finally been updated and fixed, so we will be able to do listen to reading on RazKids after the break.

After lunch we practiced more place value with a partner and the base ten blocks. We got to choose between two options of how to practice:
1. tell partners what number to build
2. build a number and partner has to determine the number
Following the break we will continue moving forward towards addition and subtraction

Today was our last music class before the break. The second day back after the break, we will have music again. Recorders can go home over the break but need to come back for music!

-Conferences tomorrow and Friday. Mrs. G would love to see us all come.
-Half day of school tomorrow
-No school for kids on Friday

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