Monday, 7 March 2016

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Our word wall words for this week are:

Group A: late, gave, cone, line, home, note, robe, snake, jeep, feet
Group B: her, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are
Group C: more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring

We are still working on developing good sentences using our word wall words. Our goal is to use nice, neat writing, spaces between our words, capitals at the start of sentences, and periods at the end of sentences. Some of us were unable to finish the work this morning, after being given over an hour to complete it, so it is coming home for homework. Please check with me to make sure.

In Phys Ed we are still working on our basketball skills. Today there were stations. One station was practicing shooting at the net, another was throwing and catching the ball against the wall, one was dribbling practice, and another was passing practice with a partner, the final station was some fitness with hula hoops.

This afternoon we continued with graphing. We cannot move on to adding and subtracting until we complete what we need to for graphing. Today we practiced collecting data and developing different graphs, following a quick review; plot, bar, and pictographs.

This week at school:
-ELA - word wall words, developing good sentences
-Math - graphing
-Science - hot and cold
-Social Studies - Arctic community
-Cross Curricular - science, social, ELA

-Music tomorrow - bring recorders if at home
-library tomorrow - bring back books!!
-Home reading
-book orders have been orders, hopefully they come in before the break
-Conferences next week, Thursday and Friday, parents are able to book now online.

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