Happy Leap Year Day! Having an extra Monday isn't so bad..
Only a couple more weeks until we do 50 words again. Our word wall words are coming home today and are listed below to practice at home too. Way we can practice are:
-writing them
-reading them
-spelling them aloud
-searching for the words in books or in stores or anywhere in public
Group A: go, so, no, do, you, lake, bake, five, time, nine
Group B: good, book, school, shook, took, out, shout, about, our, house
Group C: her, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are
With Mrs. Nelson today, she read us a book about being thankful for many different things in life. Afterwards, we had a discussion about all the things we were or were not thankful for.
The afternoon was spend graphing. We started the graphs with partners last week and finished them today. We were to choose 4-5 items from around the classroom and create a graph with it. There are some good looking graphs!
To end the day we had a class discussion about the Pillars of Care. Lately, we have been having a harder time with Care for Others. We continue to work on talking politely, waiting patiently for our turn, using our hands and feet appropriately, and using the 9 problem solving strategies to solve small problems. Tomorrow we will be doing a writing activity on what the Pillars of Care look like, feel like, and sound like.
This Week at School:
-Math (Graphing): learning different types of graphs and creating them , pictograph, concrete graph, plot graph
-Science: Hot and Cold
-ELA: word wall words, journal writing - using our word wall, quick word book, and checklist to create our best work
-P.E.: Basketball skills
-Home Reading: complete and return to school tomorrow!
-Book order coming home today, they are due Friday
-March Calendar coming home today
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