Thursday, 18 February 2016

100 Day and Job Fair

Happy 100 days of school is Grade 2!

What a busy day we have had. Can you believe it has already been 100 days!? we are more then half done Grade 2!

As a fun addition to our hundreds day hearts, we did a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. Some questions it asked were:
-If I had 100 dollars, I would...
-If I have 100 pets, I would...
-If I had 100 friends, I would...
-If I was 100 feet tall, I would..
-If i had 100 _______, I would....

Tomorrow is our word wall quiz. Here are our words to practice tonight.

Group A: she, ten, wish, hat, fish, sand, shin, a, up, wash, top, make, mop, came, hug, game, his, ate, her, tape, hill, will, ball, tell, fall

Group B: last, must, just, bath, black, candy, went, sent, take, like, off, letter, little, silly, happy, boat, coat, float, long, along, chase, play, played, rain, paint

We had from right after recess until lunch to finish our projects for the job fair in the afternoon.

The afternoon was fun! We shared our job information with each other and the other grade 2 classes. We had a parent come in to talk about her job as a dental hygienist, and there was a plumber in Ms. Zimmerman room. The school police officer even came for a visit!
Tomorrow we will be completing a couple of assessments on our projects, then we can bring them home.
Check out some of the photos!

-Fun lunch forms due tomorrow!
-Home reading will go home again Monday, please please return if still at home
-Music tomorrow, bring recorders!

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