Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A Wonderful Wednesday

Today was a good, hard working day.

Mrs. G is adding a new component to our morning meetings. To help stimulate the brain so students can work to the best of their ability, it is important to be physically active every day.

Our word wall quiz is on Friday and as review today, we started creating our own stories using all of our words. This allows us to practice using our words in ways we actually would use them. Apparently, one of the best times of day to be physically active is first thing in the morning. So Mrs. G is going to teach us a new dance every couple of weeks! Each day we will learn and practice a new move and on Fridays, we will put all the moves together. There will also be opportunities for us to add to the dances!
This week we are starting with some warm up dances on GoNoodle.

After recess we discussed our job fair, again. Mrs G went over what the afternoon will look like and what our task was for the afternoon - to take our research information and organize it into some form of presentation. First, we planned out poster or board in our sketchbooks, then got to work on them this afternoon. We all worked very hard. There are going to be some pretty cool displays out tomorrow. Take a look at the pictures below to get an idea of what we did.

Tomorrow is our job fair. We are encouraged to dress up as the worker we researched and bring any props that may be helpful to the presentation.

All afternoon was time to put our presentations together, with the exception of music class.

-No home reading tonight..
-Fun lunch forms due Friday
-Dance club Friday at lunch
-100s day homework due tomorrow

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