Friday, 5 February 2016

Happy Friday!

This morning we switched things up a little.
We started with out usual morning meeting, then we had our word wall quiz. Next week we will have the 50 words to study, the Grade 2 teachers apologize for forgetting that last year and want to thank the students and parents for reminding us.

Gymnastic has been a lot of fun! We learn a new trick everyday while still practicing ones we have already learned.

After Phys Ed we took some time to practice all the words on our word wall, again, we got to use our play-dough.

Following recess Mrs. Nelson and the Grade1s invited us over to do a little science experiment for health. Mrs. Nelson brought in 3 pieces of bread. She put one in a baggie while wearing a plastic glove, one was passed around (by everyone touching it) then placed in a separate baggies, and in the third baggies she put in a piece of bread after thoroughly washing her hands with warm water and soup.
Below are a couple pictures of our discussion and a chart stating our predictions of what we think is going to happen to each slice of bread. We will take time, once or twice a week, to look at the bread then add our thoughts and predictions to the chart.

This afternoon we reviewed 3D shapes. On Monday we will be starting an assessment of 2D and 3D shapes.
We got to watch the 3D shapes video again and build each shape with our play-dough too.

We know that 3D shapes have the following attributes:
Here is the link to the video, , ask me how many faces, edges, and vertices each shape has!

-Mrs. P, our school librarian, has asked we return books one day prior to our library day to ensure everyone is able to get another book. So please return all library books Monday!
-Music on Monday, bring your recorders!!

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