Thursday, 3 December 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

This morning, after our daily morning meeting and Daily 5, we had a chance to practice our work wall words one last time before the big quiz. After practicing for almost 20 minutes, we had a quick body break then started the quiz. We had to finish the quiz after recess. Mrs. G says that we did pretty good once again!

After we finished our quiz we did a journal writing related to our novel study. The topic for our writing was "If you could be any animal is the world, which animal would you be? Explain why you would be that animal."
Ask me what animal I would be and why. Tell me, what animal would you be??

Following lunch we had some quiet time to read to ourselves.

Then, we finished our health activity we started yesterday with the 4 food groups - cutting and pasting the appropriate items of food to the shape and group we got.

To end the day, some of us continued (and finished) working on our Healthy Alphabet worksheet. Those of us who were done had the opportunity to choose from two different winter worksheets. One was a word search with a winter word scramble on the other side, and the other was a word search where all the words had the word snow- in it.
The rest of us will get a chance to work on these as well in the next couple weeks before the break.

Have a good long weekend!

-No school for kids tomorrow
-Conferences tonight and tomorrow
-Book Fair still open

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