Monday, 7 December 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

Welcome back, hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. If you were unable to make it on Thursday or Friday to meet with me, please call the school (403) 777-6610 or give me an email to set up a meeting time between now and the Holidays.

To start off the day, we did calendar during our morning meeting. We counted how many days there were unit the holidays, only 10 more days of school! Then we counted how many days until Christmas day, only 19! Boy that came fast.

After Daily 5 we took a look at our new word wall words for this week. They are listed below. We talked about how some of our words have blends like, "th" and "ck", as well as a lot of the words are spelt almost the same the only difference is the beginning letter, like just, must, last, and fast.

Group A: ten, hat, hot, sand, hand, pen, stop, and, up, a
Group B: send, pick, end, both, fast, last, must, just, bath, black

Following Phys Ed we wrote the words out 3 times in our books and put each word in a sentences that had 5 or more words.

After recess we did a fun activity. We had a discussion around snowflakes, a few things we said are:
-they come in different sizes
-they come in different shapes
-not 2 are the same, ever
-they are all unique
We compared the snowflakes to people. We are all different, unique, and special. If everyone was the same, or if all snowflakes are the same, we would get bored after a while. Being so different is what makes this world such an interesting and fun place to be, and our way of keeping it this way is to be respectful and kind toward each others differences.
Then we went ahead and made our own, unique, different, special snowflakes. We are going to hang them up in our classroom as a constant reminder of how our classroom in unique, special, interesting, and fun we are.  Take a look at our snowflakes below!

After lunch we read to ourselves for 15 minutes then we joined the other grade 2s for a Social Studies activity.
We are going to dig deeper into our prairie community after Christmas by focusing on a few points that we stated in our KWL chart at the start of the unit. So today, we wrapped up learning about the 3 prairie provinces by creating a venn diagram in our white visual journals. We had to do Alberta on one side, then got to choose one of the other 2 provinces for the other side. Ask me which province I compared with Alberta.

To end the day, we did a body break on GoNoodle and cleaned up the classroom.

-Winter Celebration Wednesday and Thursday. Our class performs on Wednesday, December 9! Meet Mrs. G in our classroom at 5:30pm.
-Thank you to those parents interested in joining our wee reads program! Please make sure that your green form is filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday December 11. Our Calgary Reads coordinators will contact you about the training session being held on Tuesday December 15.

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