Friday, 11 December 2015

Friday, December 12, 2015

What a busy day, but thank goodness it is Friday. Time to have a relaxing weekend.

This morning we were given a little extra time for Daily 5 because we working really well. Before heading to Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words. Mrs. G wrote all 20 words on the board, in a random order, and all scrambled up. She erased the lists from the boards so we couldn't cheat, and we worked together to figure out which word was which and spell them correctly. Then we did our word wall quiz. Mrs. G is noticing how much we all have improved on our spelling. It is clear in our journal writing as well. Keep it up!

After recess, we reviewed the expectations for our dioramas. Then, we had the remainder of the time to work on them. For this time period, we finished tracing around the outside of our boxes, and measuring what we traced on the paper, in cm of course.

Following lunch we read to ourselves to cool down from our lunch break, then we had the rest of the afternoon to work on our dioramas. Monday afternoon will also be allocated time to finish them. They are looking really good so far. Take a look at some of the work we did today below!

Have a great Weekend!

-All library books need to be returned ASAP. A note will be sent home next week for any late books.

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