Monday, 14 December 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Today was a really good start to the week. We worked hard all day and this helped us to get a lot accomplished.

We are doing word wall words this week. The qui will be on Thursday as Friday is movie and popcorn day as well as early dismissal. Our words for this week are below.

Group A: cats, pigs, beds, bugs, tops, mops, digs, hugs, pats, his
Group B: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my

After recess we added a few points to the L sections of our social studies KWL chart for the prairies unit we are currently doing. A few points we added were:
-Ablerta has six regions: grasslands, parklands, canadian shield, boreal forest, foothills, and rocky mountains
-the 3 prairie provinces have similar animals
-there are badlands in the prairies - hoodoos
Following Christmas break we will be continuing our prairies unit only our focus is going to change a bit. We will be learning about people from the past and present and the different types of jobs people have done and do today. These findings will lead us into a job fair, as a way of representing our learnings, mid January.

We also added to a chart we have about Ivan's Homes from the novel we are reading. Last week, we learned about the time that Ivan lived with Mack, his owner. So as a review of what we read, we added some points of what Ivan' life was like growing up and living with humans. We ended the morning by reading more of the story.

After lunch we continued and completed work on our dioramas of Ivan's domain in the mall. Most of us have finished this work, the rest will have some time tomorrow or later this week to finish their dioramas as well. Once they are all completed a picture will be posted. They all look fantastic and really represent what Ivan's home is like in the mall.

-Popcorn for $2 for Friday's movie. Mavricks will be starting to sell popcorn tomorrow at recess. It is pre-purchase only, all popcorn will be handed out Friday before the movie begins.

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