One more half day until the break!
Today we had our regular morning meeting, with a twist. Once we figured out how many days we were in school, we practiced skip counting a bunch of different ways from 70-100. Why from 70? Because today was the 70th day of school and we used skip counting to figure out how many days until the 100th day of school.
After Daily 5 we did our word wall quiz. It will be nice to have a break from those for a little while.
Following recess we did math centers again!
Right after lunch we joined Mr. Fisher and Ms. Zimmerman's classes and did some buddy read before caroling in the gym again.
Ater caroling we all got together again and used our measuring knowledge to mix together some ingredients for salt dough. Ask me what we did with the salt dough...
To end the day, we practiced the 4 winter/Christmas songs we will be singing tomorrow before the movie.
-Tomorrow is early dismissal at 11:00
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Today was a fun day. To start the day we did our regular morning meeting, then the whole school met in the gymnasium do sing some christmas songs. Some of us even got chosen to play the bells in front of the school to one of the songs.
Following the caroling assembly we had Phys. Ed. For the remainder of the time before recess we practiced our word wall words for tomorrows quiz. We got to choose an activity and we could work independently or with a partner. Our words are listed below to practice tonight at home.
Group A: cats, pigs, beds, bugs, tops, mops, digs, hugs, pats, his
Group B: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my
After recess we did an art activity. Have you ever seen the northern lights? Some of us have. We also know that there are northern lights right here is Alberta! They only come out at night and they are easily seen when it is very dark out at night. Another name for them is Auroras. Did you know that sometimes you can hear them? If you listen carefully they almost make a singing or whistling sound as they move and change shapes and colors.
Then, we created our own northern lights using paint and pastels. If you look below you will see pictures of the process to completing the art pieces and what some of the finished products look like.
Step one was to paint hills, mountains, and trees with white paint along the bottom half of our page.
Step two was to create shapes and colors of the northern lights using oil pastels.
-as we were working with the pastels some of us drew with the tips to make fine lines, some used the side of pastels to make a thick line with texture, some blended colors together using their fingers or a kleenex.
All of the final pieces look amazing. Again, take a look below!
This afternoon we had music. Our last music class of 2015.
For the rest of the afternoon we had "ketchups". This is a time for us to complete any work that we have not finished over the past couple weeks. A few items we worked on during this time were:
-letter to Santa
-northern lights art
-building a healthy plate
-healthy snack placemats
-word wall words practice
To end the day, we got together with the other grade 2 classes and practice singing the Christmas songs we will be singing with the rest of the school tomorrow afternoon.
-Tomorrow is the last day to buy popcorn at lunch for the school wide movie on Friday.
-Early Dismissal on Friday at 11:00.
Following the caroling assembly we had Phys. Ed. For the remainder of the time before recess we practiced our word wall words for tomorrows quiz. We got to choose an activity and we could work independently or with a partner. Our words are listed below to practice tonight at home.
Group A: cats, pigs, beds, bugs, tops, mops, digs, hugs, pats, his
Group B: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my
After recess we did an art activity. Have you ever seen the northern lights? Some of us have. We also know that there are northern lights right here is Alberta! They only come out at night and they are easily seen when it is very dark out at night. Another name for them is Auroras. Did you know that sometimes you can hear them? If you listen carefully they almost make a singing or whistling sound as they move and change shapes and colors.
Then, we created our own northern lights using paint and pastels. If you look below you will see pictures of the process to completing the art pieces and what some of the finished products look like.
Step one was to paint hills, mountains, and trees with white paint along the bottom half of our page.
Step two was to create shapes and colors of the northern lights using oil pastels.
-as we were working with the pastels some of us drew with the tips to make fine lines, some used the side of pastels to make a thick line with texture, some blended colors together using their fingers or a kleenex.
All of the final pieces look amazing. Again, take a look below!
This afternoon we had music. Our last music class of 2015.
For the rest of the afternoon we had "ketchups". This is a time for us to complete any work that we have not finished over the past couple weeks. A few items we worked on during this time were:
-letter to Santa
-northern lights art
-building a healthy plate
-healthy snack placemats
-word wall words practice
To end the day, we got together with the other grade 2 classes and practice singing the Christmas songs we will be singing with the rest of the school tomorrow afternoon.
-Tomorrow is the last day to buy popcorn at lunch for the school wide movie on Friday.
-Early Dismissal on Friday at 11:00.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Today was a really good start to the week. We worked hard all day and this helped us to get a lot accomplished.
We are doing word wall words this week. The qui will be on Thursday as Friday is movie and popcorn day as well as early dismissal. Our words for this week are below.
Group A: cats, pigs, beds, bugs, tops, mops, digs, hugs, pats, his
Group B: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my
After recess we added a few points to the L sections of our social studies KWL chart for the prairies unit we are currently doing. A few points we added were:
-Ablerta has six regions: grasslands, parklands, canadian shield, boreal forest, foothills, and rocky mountains
-the 3 prairie provinces have similar animals
-there are badlands in the prairies - hoodoos
Following Christmas break we will be continuing our prairies unit only our focus is going to change a bit. We will be learning about people from the past and present and the different types of jobs people have done and do today. These findings will lead us into a job fair, as a way of representing our learnings, mid January.
We also added to a chart we have about Ivan's Homes from the novel we are reading. Last week, we learned about the time that Ivan lived with Mack, his owner. So as a review of what we read, we added some points of what Ivan' life was like growing up and living with humans. We ended the morning by reading more of the story.
After lunch we continued and completed work on our dioramas of Ivan's domain in the mall. Most of us have finished this work, the rest will have some time tomorrow or later this week to finish their dioramas as well. Once they are all completed a picture will be posted. They all look fantastic and really represent what Ivan's home is like in the mall.
-Popcorn for $2 for Friday's movie. Mavricks will be starting to sell popcorn tomorrow at recess. It is pre-purchase only, all popcorn will be handed out Friday before the movie begins.
We are doing word wall words this week. The qui will be on Thursday as Friday is movie and popcorn day as well as early dismissal. Our words for this week are below.
Group A: cats, pigs, beds, bugs, tops, mops, digs, hugs, pats, his
Group B: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my
After recess we added a few points to the L sections of our social studies KWL chart for the prairies unit we are currently doing. A few points we added were:
-Ablerta has six regions: grasslands, parklands, canadian shield, boreal forest, foothills, and rocky mountains
-the 3 prairie provinces have similar animals
-there are badlands in the prairies - hoodoos
Following Christmas break we will be continuing our prairies unit only our focus is going to change a bit. We will be learning about people from the past and present and the different types of jobs people have done and do today. These findings will lead us into a job fair, as a way of representing our learnings, mid January.
We also added to a chart we have about Ivan's Homes from the novel we are reading. Last week, we learned about the time that Ivan lived with Mack, his owner. So as a review of what we read, we added some points of what Ivan' life was like growing up and living with humans. We ended the morning by reading more of the story.
After lunch we continued and completed work on our dioramas of Ivan's domain in the mall. Most of us have finished this work, the rest will have some time tomorrow or later this week to finish their dioramas as well. Once they are all completed a picture will be posted. They all look fantastic and really represent what Ivan's home is like in the mall.
-Popcorn for $2 for Friday's movie. Mavricks will be starting to sell popcorn tomorrow at recess. It is pre-purchase only, all popcorn will be handed out Friday before the movie begins.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Friday, December 12, 2015
What a busy day, but thank goodness it is Friday. Time to have a relaxing weekend.
This morning we were given a little extra time for Daily 5 because we working really well. Before heading to Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words. Mrs. G wrote all 20 words on the board, in a random order, and all scrambled up. She erased the lists from the boards so we couldn't cheat, and we worked together to figure out which word was which and spell them correctly. Then we did our word wall quiz. Mrs. G is noticing how much we all have improved on our spelling. It is clear in our journal writing as well. Keep it up!
After recess, we reviewed the expectations for our dioramas. Then, we had the remainder of the time to work on them. For this time period, we finished tracing around the outside of our boxes, and measuring what we traced on the paper, in cm of course.
Following lunch we read to ourselves to cool down from our lunch break, then we had the rest of the afternoon to work on our dioramas. Monday afternoon will also be allocated time to finish them. They are looking really good so far. Take a look at some of the work we did today below!
Have a great Weekend!
-All library books need to be returned ASAP. A note will be sent home next week for any late books.
This morning we were given a little extra time for Daily 5 because we working really well. Before heading to Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words. Mrs. G wrote all 20 words on the board, in a random order, and all scrambled up. She erased the lists from the boards so we couldn't cheat, and we worked together to figure out which word was which and spell them correctly. Then we did our word wall quiz. Mrs. G is noticing how much we all have improved on our spelling. It is clear in our journal writing as well. Keep it up!
After recess, we reviewed the expectations for our dioramas. Then, we had the remainder of the time to work on them. For this time period, we finished tracing around the outside of our boxes, and measuring what we traced on the paper, in cm of course.
Following lunch we read to ourselves to cool down from our lunch break, then we had the rest of the afternoon to work on our dioramas. Monday afternoon will also be allocated time to finish them. They are looking really good so far. Take a look at some of the work we did today below!
Have a great Weekend!
-All library books need to be returned ASAP. A note will be sent home next week for any late books.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Today was an interesting day. Mr. Sadowsky was with us for the first half hour while Mrs. G was with the Kindergarten music class practicing for the concert tonight. We helped guide Mr. Sadowsky through our regular morning routine, then he took us on an art walk around the school (now I know how to guide you through the art walk tonight after our performance).
When Mrs. G came back, we got some more time for Daily 5. Then we practiced our word wall words by playing Bingo! That is always a fun game to play.
Before practicing our songs with Mr. Rattan in the gym, we started our healthy activity that was a continuation from yesterdays discussion. We quickly reviewed what a healthy snack is and brainstormed a few ideas together. Then, we went into creating our own placemats! We each got to choose a color, one of the four food group colors, and we started by drawing a picture of ourselves in the middle with our name underneath. Tomorrow we will add little pictures of our favorite healthy snack all around our head.
Then, it was our turn to rehearse for tonight. We are all ready to go!
Following recess, all the grade 2 classes got together. We learned a new game in the classroom then went and played it outside altogether (this was to make up for the Phys. Ed. time we lost today and will lose tomorrow). Ask me what the game is called!
Right after lunch we had some time to read to ourselves, then it was the school wide performance of the winter concert. It was nice to watch and see what half the school has been doing with Mr. Rattan in music.
The concert took us right to the end of the day. It didn't seem like we did much, but it was also pretty busy.
-Concert and art walk tonight! Please be at the school, in our classroom, at 5:30.
-If you have not brought a box for the diorama yet, you still have a chance to send one. Unfortunately there was no time to start them today, however, we will be taking time tomorrow morning to work on them. Also, feel free to send any other materials the students wish to use that we may not have at the school.
When Mrs. G came back, we got some more time for Daily 5. Then we practiced our word wall words by playing Bingo! That is always a fun game to play.
Before practicing our songs with Mr. Rattan in the gym, we started our healthy activity that was a continuation from yesterdays discussion. We quickly reviewed what a healthy snack is and brainstormed a few ideas together. Then, we went into creating our own placemats! We each got to choose a color, one of the four food group colors, and we started by drawing a picture of ourselves in the middle with our name underneath. Tomorrow we will add little pictures of our favorite healthy snack all around our head.
Then, it was our turn to rehearse for tonight. We are all ready to go!
Following recess, all the grade 2 classes got together. We learned a new game in the classroom then went and played it outside altogether (this was to make up for the Phys. Ed. time we lost today and will lose tomorrow). Ask me what the game is called!
Right after lunch we had some time to read to ourselves, then it was the school wide performance of the winter concert. It was nice to watch and see what half the school has been doing with Mr. Rattan in music.
The concert took us right to the end of the day. It didn't seem like we did much, but it was also pretty busy.
-Concert and art walk tonight! Please be at the school, in our classroom, at 5:30.
-If you have not brought a box for the diorama yet, you still have a chance to send one. Unfortunately there was no time to start them today, however, we will be taking time tomorrow morning to work on them. Also, feel free to send any other materials the students wish to use that we may not have at the school.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
This morning, after our regular routine, and before Phys. Ed., we read The One and Only Ivan. We learned all about Ivans home in the jungle, when he lived there as a baby. Then, he told us about the time he lived with Mack, his owner, at his house and at the mall.
After Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words with Mrs. Cokar, we had a choice as to how we practiced for about 15 minutes. Then Mrs. Cokar brought one of her books to read to us today.
To end the morning we did Health. Today we talked about healthy snacking. First we made a list of all our favorite snacks - strawberries and yogurt, orange cup, ice cream, bear paws, chips, bananas, etc., then, we looked through the list and circled all the items that were the most healthy. To wrap up the activity, with a partner, we discussed what healthy snacking means. We then came together, shared our ideas and came up with a final definition - A healthy snack is a snack that is nutritious and has foods from 2 or more food groups.
First thing after lunch we had music. We are all ready to go for our performance tomorrow evening!
For the remainder of the afternoon we planned our dioramas we are going to make for Ivan's domain. Mrs. G showed us pictures of different animal dioramas as examples of what will be making. Then we went into our own visual journals and designed what it will look like. We also included a list of materials we will need to create the dioramas.
If you can, please bring a box, about shoe box size, for the dioramas. Also, any other materials your child would like to use, you are more then welcome to send with them. Sending the boxes to school by Thursday would be great, as we are going to start the building process tomorrow.
-Tomorrow night is our concert. Please meet in our classroom at 5:30. Mrs. G will be with us while parents go enjoy the entire performance.
-All library books need to be returned to school by Thursday this week, if a book is late, you will be receiving a notice next week.
After Phys. Ed. we practiced our word wall words with Mrs. Cokar, we had a choice as to how we practiced for about 15 minutes. Then Mrs. Cokar brought one of her books to read to us today.
To end the morning we did Health. Today we talked about healthy snacking. First we made a list of all our favorite snacks - strawberries and yogurt, orange cup, ice cream, bear paws, chips, bananas, etc., then, we looked through the list and circled all the items that were the most healthy. To wrap up the activity, with a partner, we discussed what healthy snacking means. We then came together, shared our ideas and came up with a final definition - A healthy snack is a snack that is nutritious and has foods from 2 or more food groups.
First thing after lunch we had music. We are all ready to go for our performance tomorrow evening!
For the remainder of the afternoon we planned our dioramas we are going to make for Ivan's domain. Mrs. G showed us pictures of different animal dioramas as examples of what will be making. Then we went into our own visual journals and designed what it will look like. We also included a list of materials we will need to create the dioramas.
If you can, please bring a box, about shoe box size, for the dioramas. Also, any other materials your child would like to use, you are more then welcome to send with them. Sending the boxes to school by Thursday would be great, as we are going to start the building process tomorrow.
-Tomorrow night is our concert. Please meet in our classroom at 5:30. Mrs. G will be with us while parents go enjoy the entire performance.
-All library books need to be returned to school by Thursday this week, if a book is late, you will be receiving a notice next week.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
Welcome back, hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. If you were unable to make it on Thursday or Friday to meet with me, please call the school (403) 777-6610 or give me an email to set up a meeting time between now and the Holidays.
To start off the day, we did calendar during our morning meeting. We counted how many days there were unit the holidays, only 10 more days of school! Then we counted how many days until Christmas day, only 19! Boy that came fast.
After Daily 5 we took a look at our new word wall words for this week. They are listed below. We talked about how some of our words have blends like, "th" and "ck", as well as a lot of the words are spelt almost the same the only difference is the beginning letter, like just, must, last, and fast.
Group A: ten, hat, hot, sand, hand, pen, stop, and, up, a
Group B: send, pick, end, both, fast, last, must, just, bath, black
Following Phys Ed we wrote the words out 3 times in our books and put each word in a sentences that had 5 or more words.
After recess we did a fun activity. We had a discussion around snowflakes, a few things we said are:
-they come in different sizes
-they come in different shapes
-not 2 are the same, ever
-they are all unique
We compared the snowflakes to people. We are all different, unique, and special. If everyone was the same, or if all snowflakes are the same, we would get bored after a while. Being so different is what makes this world such an interesting and fun place to be, and our way of keeping it this way is to be respectful and kind toward each others differences.
Then we went ahead and made our own, unique, different, special snowflakes. We are going to hang them up in our classroom as a constant reminder of how our classroom in unique, special, interesting, and fun we are. Take a look at our snowflakes below!
After lunch we read to ourselves for 15 minutes then we joined the other grade 2s for a Social Studies activity.
We are going to dig deeper into our prairie community after Christmas by focusing on a few points that we stated in our KWL chart at the start of the unit. So today, we wrapped up learning about the 3 prairie provinces by creating a venn diagram in our white visual journals. We had to do Alberta on one side, then got to choose one of the other 2 provinces for the other side. Ask me which province I compared with Alberta.
To end the day, we did a body break on GoNoodle and cleaned up the classroom.
-Winter Celebration Wednesday and Thursday. Our class performs on Wednesday, December 9! Meet Mrs. G in our classroom at 5:30pm.
-Thank you to those parents interested in joining our wee reads program! Please make sure that your green form is filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday December 11. Our Calgary Reads coordinators will contact you about the training session being held on Tuesday December 15.
To start off the day, we did calendar during our morning meeting. We counted how many days there were unit the holidays, only 10 more days of school! Then we counted how many days until Christmas day, only 19! Boy that came fast.
After Daily 5 we took a look at our new word wall words for this week. They are listed below. We talked about how some of our words have blends like, "th" and "ck", as well as a lot of the words are spelt almost the same the only difference is the beginning letter, like just, must, last, and fast.
Group A: ten, hat, hot, sand, hand, pen, stop, and, up, a
Group B: send, pick, end, both, fast, last, must, just, bath, black
Following Phys Ed we wrote the words out 3 times in our books and put each word in a sentences that had 5 or more words.
After recess we did a fun activity. We had a discussion around snowflakes, a few things we said are:
-they come in different sizes
-they come in different shapes
-not 2 are the same, ever
-they are all unique
We compared the snowflakes to people. We are all different, unique, and special. If everyone was the same, or if all snowflakes are the same, we would get bored after a while. Being so different is what makes this world such an interesting and fun place to be, and our way of keeping it this way is to be respectful and kind toward each others differences.
Then we went ahead and made our own, unique, different, special snowflakes. We are going to hang them up in our classroom as a constant reminder of how our classroom in unique, special, interesting, and fun we are. Take a look at our snowflakes below!
After lunch we read to ourselves for 15 minutes then we joined the other grade 2s for a Social Studies activity.
We are going to dig deeper into our prairie community after Christmas by focusing on a few points that we stated in our KWL chart at the start of the unit. So today, we wrapped up learning about the 3 prairie provinces by creating a venn diagram in our white visual journals. We had to do Alberta on one side, then got to choose one of the other 2 provinces for the other side. Ask me which province I compared with Alberta.
To end the day, we did a body break on GoNoodle and cleaned up the classroom.
-Winter Celebration Wednesday and Thursday. Our class performs on Wednesday, December 9! Meet Mrs. G in our classroom at 5:30pm.
-Thank you to those parents interested in joining our wee reads program! Please make sure that your green form is filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday December 11. Our Calgary Reads coordinators will contact you about the training session being held on Tuesday December 15.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
This morning, after our daily morning meeting and Daily 5, we had a chance to practice our work wall words one last time before the big quiz. After practicing for almost 20 minutes, we had a quick body break then started the quiz. We had to finish the quiz after recess. Mrs. G says that we did pretty good once again!
After we finished our quiz we did a journal writing related to our novel study. The topic for our writing was "If you could be any animal is the world, which animal would you be? Explain why you would be that animal."
Ask me what animal I would be and why. Tell me, what animal would you be??
Following lunch we had some quiet time to read to ourselves.
Then, we finished our health activity we started yesterday with the 4 food groups - cutting and pasting the appropriate items of food to the shape and group we got.
To end the day, some of us continued (and finished) working on our Healthy Alphabet worksheet. Those of us who were done had the opportunity to choose from two different winter worksheets. One was a word search with a winter word scramble on the other side, and the other was a word search where all the words had the word snow- in it.
The rest of us will get a chance to work on these as well in the next couple weeks before the break.
Have a good long weekend!
-No school for kids tomorrow
-Conferences tonight and tomorrow
-Book Fair still open
After we finished our quiz we did a journal writing related to our novel study. The topic for our writing was "If you could be any animal is the world, which animal would you be? Explain why you would be that animal."
Ask me what animal I would be and why. Tell me, what animal would you be??
Following lunch we had some quiet time to read to ourselves.
Then, we finished our health activity we started yesterday with the 4 food groups - cutting and pasting the appropriate items of food to the shape and group we got.
To end the day, some of us continued (and finished) working on our Healthy Alphabet worksheet. Those of us who were done had the opportunity to choose from two different winter worksheets. One was a word search with a winter word scramble on the other side, and the other was a word search where all the words had the word snow- in it.
The rest of us will get a chance to work on these as well in the next couple weeks before the break.
Have a good long weekend!
-No school for kids tomorrow
-Conferences tonight and tomorrow
-Book Fair still open
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Tomorrow is our big quiz! To practice today, we tried to sort the words as many different ways as possible. A few ideas we came up with together were:
-all the words that start with the letter 't'
-all words that have the long e sound
-all the words that have an 'o' in them
Ask me the different ways that I sorted the words!
Here are the words one more time to practice tonight:
Group A: pup, bus, but, tub, I, his, dig, pot, sun, put, big, is, men, cat, am, on, not, dog, to, got, the, can, at, pet, get, let, fed, red, did, pan, had, fun, top, stop, fix, fox, hen, pen, mix, six, box
Group B:
In Phys Ed we did some more dancing! Again we warmed up with freeze dance, then we practiced the chicken dance. We ended the class by learning the bunny hop. Next week we are going to try to do a large group of the bunny hop.
After recess, for math, we started doing work with 2D shapes. Together we brainstormed as many different 2D shapes that we could think of and did a sorting activity on whiteboards.
We finished off the morning by reading more of The One and Only Ivan. Ask me about what is happening in the story. Parts of it are funny and other parts are sad. Also ask me how I am feeling about the story.
Right after lunch we had music. We are ready for the winter celebration next week. Can't wait to show you our musical talents!
To end the day we did a health activity around the 4 food groups. Together we brainstormed what the food groups are and all the possible foods that could be in each group. Then, we did a cut a paste activity. Each of us got a shape of food from one of the groups - either a fish, milk carton, cheese slice, steak, broccoli, orange, piece of bread, or a box of cereal. We traced our shape on the corresponding food group color, then cut pictures of foods from that group out of grocery flyers and magazines and pasted them to the shape.
-Student involved conferences tomorrow evening and Friday
-No school Friday
-all the words that start with the letter 't'
-all words that have the long e sound
-all the words that have an 'o' in them
Ask me the different ways that I sorted the words!
Here are the words one more time to practice tonight:
Group A: pup, bus, but, tub, I, his, dig, pot, sun, put, big, is, men, cat, am, on, not, dog, to, got, the, can, at, pet, get, let, fed, red, did, pan, had, fun, top, stop, fix, fox, hen, pen, mix, six, box
Group B:
In Phys Ed we did some more dancing! Again we warmed up with freeze dance, then we practiced the chicken dance. We ended the class by learning the bunny hop. Next week we are going to try to do a large group of the bunny hop.
After recess, for math, we started doing work with 2D shapes. Together we brainstormed as many different 2D shapes that we could think of and did a sorting activity on whiteboards.
We finished off the morning by reading more of The One and Only Ivan. Ask me about what is happening in the story. Parts of it are funny and other parts are sad. Also ask me how I am feeling about the story.
Right after lunch we had music. We are ready for the winter celebration next week. Can't wait to show you our musical talents!
To end the day we did a health activity around the 4 food groups. Together we brainstormed what the food groups are and all the possible foods that could be in each group. Then, we did a cut a paste activity. Each of us got a shape of food from one of the groups - either a fish, milk carton, cheese slice, steak, broccoli, orange, piece of bread, or a box of cereal. We traced our shape on the corresponding food group color, then cut pictures of foods from that group out of grocery flyers and magazines and pasted them to the shape.
-Student involved conferences tomorrow evening and Friday
-No school Friday
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Today was a good, hard working day.
We started off the morning with Daily 5 and practice our 50 word wall words again by doing the tasks cards. Only 2 more days until the big quiz, so make sure to practice, practice, practice!
In Phys Ed we started doing some dancing. We warmed up with some freeze dance. Then we learned the Chicken Dance. Tomorrow we will be learning a new dance! Let me know you some of my moves.
Following Phys Ed, Mrs. Cokar was with us again. She read a story to us.
After recess we used our library time to look around the book fair items. We wrote down on a piece of paper all the books we would like to have one day. Some of us are bringing the list home today to show you. We can bring money tomorrow to buy books or wait to buy them when we come see Mrs. G on Thursday or Friday.
To start the afternoon, we read to ourselves as a cool down from lunch. Then we went into some social studies. In our visual journals, we kind of made a map of our community of Calgary. First, we brainstormed everything we knew about the parklands region of Alberta. Why the parklands? because that is what region Calgary is in! Then we drew a small picture of Calgary in the middle of the page, and a bunch of smaller pictures, with labels, around the city that represent the parklands.
As the day came to an end, we did ketchups. Some worked continued working on the page about Ivan, from our novel study, some worked on the Healthy Alphabet sheet we started yesterday, and those that got everything done had some free time.
-No School Friday
-Conference Thursday evening and Friday morning. Book a time online
-Book Fair on until Friday
We started off the morning with Daily 5 and practice our 50 word wall words again by doing the tasks cards. Only 2 more days until the big quiz, so make sure to practice, practice, practice!
In Phys Ed we started doing some dancing. We warmed up with some freeze dance. Then we learned the Chicken Dance. Tomorrow we will be learning a new dance! Let me know you some of my moves.
Following Phys Ed, Mrs. Cokar was with us again. She read a story to us.
After recess we used our library time to look around the book fair items. We wrote down on a piece of paper all the books we would like to have one day. Some of us are bringing the list home today to show you. We can bring money tomorrow to buy books or wait to buy them when we come see Mrs. G on Thursday or Friday.
To start the afternoon, we read to ourselves as a cool down from lunch. Then we went into some social studies. In our visual journals, we kind of made a map of our community of Calgary. First, we brainstormed everything we knew about the parklands region of Alberta. Why the parklands? because that is what region Calgary is in! Then we drew a small picture of Calgary in the middle of the page, and a bunch of smaller pictures, with labels, around the city that represent the parklands.
As the day came to an end, we did ketchups. Some worked continued working on the page about Ivan, from our novel study, some worked on the Healthy Alphabet sheet we started yesterday, and those that got everything done had some free time.
-No School Friday
-Conference Thursday evening and Friday morning. Book a time online
-Book Fair on until Friday
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