Monday, 16 May 2016

Wiggly, Squiggly Monday

We have our words written down to bring home. Those word wall words are starting to get more challenging as we move closer to Grade 3! 

Group A: book, good, look, wood, took, stood, shook, saw, paw, law
Group B: they, their, many, any, anything, than, because, know, water, very
Group C: rocket, pocket, often, throne, so, sew, almost, both, coach, open

HOMEWORK! Some of us who did not finish our newspaper article on bats are bringing it home tonight to finish. It NEEDS to be back by THURSDAY! Please check with me on whether or not I have this homework.

We started learning about wiggly, squiggly worms this morning! Did you know:
-worms are omnivores, that means they only eat organic material
-they have one long body that runs along their body and a bunch of round muscle too... ask me what these different muscle do!!
-and they do not have ears or eyes so the sense everything through their skin

This afternoon we started double digit addition. Ms. Binks came in and showed us a few new strategies. We are not yet regrouping but I would love to show you some strategies from today. 
If you formulate 2 or 3 questions for me, I will show you what I know!

To ed off the day we went back to worms. This time we got to look and touch them! We wrote down our observations on how they move, what they look like, how they feel, and anything else we noticed. 
Take a look at the pictures below!

This week at school:
ELA - word wall words, writing full setnences
Math - double digit addition
Science - Worms!
Health - pillars of care

-music tomorrow, bring recorders
-home reading, complete and return tomorrow
-library tomorrow, return those books!
-Thursday is early dismissal at 11
-no school Friday or Monday

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