Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Squirmy Tuesday

We had Phys. Ed outside again today. It sure is nice to have that extra time out there to enjoy the weather and play with our friends.

In science, this afternoon after music, we did a couple experiments with the worms, to determine the ideal living conditions for them.
First we learned:
-worms create home by burrowing by digging, pushing, and eating the soil
-they live where there are many plants and leaves

Our experiments were called Wet or Dry? and Here Comes the Sun! The objective of the experiments was to determine whether or not worms like a wet or dry environment and a dark or bright environment.
Ask me how we completed these experiments and what our conclusions came to!

Wet or Dry?

Here Comes the Sun!

We also learned:
-sometimes the soil can get too wet for worms, like after a big rainfall, and when this happen, the worms come up to the surface for air
-it the ground becomes too frozen, worms will rest in a chamber until it thaws out

-Fun lunch forms coming home today, they are due June 1st
-I am still looking for a couple more volunteers for our story book theatre trip on June 2nd and zoo trip on June 14. Please let me know if you are available and willing to join us!
-Spring concert next Wednesday the 25th. Please be here at 6pm, meet in the classroom.

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