Monday, 29 February 2016

Leap Year Day

Happy Leap Year Day! Having an extra Monday isn't so bad..

Only a couple more weeks until we do 50 words again. Our word wall words are coming home today and are listed below to practice at home too. Way we can practice are:
-writing them
-reading them
-spelling them aloud
-searching for the words in books or in stores or anywhere in public

Group A: go, so, no, do, you, lake, bake, five, time, nine
Group B: good, book, school, shook, took, out, shout, about, our, house
Group C: her, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are

With Mrs. Nelson today, she read us a book about being thankful for many different things in life. Afterwards, we had a discussion about all the things we were or were not thankful for.

The afternoon was spend graphing. We started the graphs with partners last week and finished them today. We were to choose 4-5 items from around the classroom and create a graph with it. There are some good looking graphs!

To end the day we had a class discussion about the Pillars of Care. Lately, we have been having a harder time with Care for Others. We continue to work on talking politely, waiting patiently for our turn, using our hands and feet appropriately, and using the 9 problem solving strategies to solve small problems. Tomorrow we will be doing a writing activity on what the Pillars of Care look like, feel like, and sound like.

This Week at School:
-Math (Graphing): learning different types of graphs and creating them , pictograph, concrete graph, plot graph
-Science: Hot and Cold
-ELA: word wall words, journal writing - using our word wall, quick word book, and checklist to create our best work
-P.E.: Basketball skills

-Home Reading: complete and return to school tomorrow!
-Book order coming home today, they are due Friday
-March Calendar coming home today

Friday, 26 February 2016

Half Day Friday

Today was a quiet but productive day.

Following our morning meeting we had our word wall quiz. Mrs. G said we did pretty good, but we still need to be practice the words at home during the week too.

We also had music today. For those who came had a test.

After eating a snack and having a body break, we ended the day doing a reflection to the movie we saw yesterday, Maya the Bee. We had to:
-make a connection from the movie to school
-make a connection from the movie to our personal life
-state 2 things we learned from the movie
-state 2-4 things we liked about the movie

-Return library books Monday
-Fun lunch Monday
-Leap Year Monday

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Reel Fun Day!

What a great day for a field trip!

After having some time in the gym to run around and play everyones it tag we had snack and got ready for our field trip.

Here we are outside the theatre.

The movie was great! Very funny with a great message. Ask me what it was about!

Following lunch we joined the other grade 2 classes to finish adding questions to our KWL chart. A few question we added today were:
-How does a match work?
-How does the sun affect peoples skin?
-How does the body regulate temperature?
We also watched a Magic School Bus video.

To end the day we finished our pink t-shirts and practiced our word wall words for tomorrows quiz.

-Half day of school tomorrow.
-Music tomorrow, bring recorders if they are not already at school
-Please, please return home reading
-Any one with homework, it is due back tomorrow!
-Fun lunch on Monday

Enjoy the beautiful weather tonight!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Happy Hump Day!

We have made it over the hump of the week; soon, the weekend will be here!

Our word wall quiz is on Friday. As practice today, each group did something different! One group had to unscramble their words and draw pictures of a couple of words, another group did fill in the blanks and created their own stories, and the last group created a story using their words. We will continue this work tomorrow.

Today was pink shirt day! We finished watching Horton Hears a Who with the Grade 1s. After brainstorming what pink shirt day is all about and discussing ways to be kind and respectful towards other, we put these ideas on a pink shirt of our own. These will get put up around the classroom to remind us daily of our actions and how we can stand up to bullies. Three girls from the GRade 3/4 classes came to us today and performed a number of skits on what bullying is and we can do in different situations.

This afternoon we continued graphing. Following a quick review of what we learned yesterday, we joined a partner and created our own graphs. They were a little different today though, we are graphing things from around our classroom.

To end off the day, we started our science unit. We joined the other Grade 2 classes and started filling in a KWL chart. So far, we can only fill in the K and the W because there isn't a lot we have learned yet. Our science unit now is Hot and Cold. Some things we already know about hot and cold are:
-hot can melt things
-cold can freeze things
-fever comes from a body being very, very hot
-heat can reflect off things
Some questions we have for the unit are:
-what makes hot, hot and cold, cold?
-why/how does air get hot and/or cold?
-what is the sun made up of? is there real fire on the sun?
Tomorrow we will add a few more questions to the W section and watch an introduction video!

Tomorrow is our field trip. Please return forms first thing in the morning if you haven't already.

-Music on Friday, bring recorders - Due to students often forgetting their recorder, Mr. Rattan has requested that they stay at school full time. This will allow students to be able to fully participate in music every day.
-Early dismissal on Friday at 11:00am
-Fun lunch is Monday NOT tomorrow

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


We got to use our play-dough to practice our word wall words today.

In Phys. Ed. we practiced our dribbling skills with both hands. It is was tough but we do pretty well!

After recess we had library. Drawn on the wonder wall is a giant outline of a t-shirt. The task for the entire school is to fill the shirt with pink hearts. Each pink heart recognizes someone, in the school, who has shown kindness towards others and was caught. Tomorrow is pink shirt day. This is a day to remind ourselves how easy it is to be kind to one another and stand up against bullies, just like the 2 boys did, years ago, who started this special occasion.
We joined the Grade 1s and started watching Horton Hears a Who, which we will finish tomorrow. It is a story that has been requested to the school, leading up to pink shirt day because of an elephant's kind actions to help a small town in need.

This afternoon we had music then math. We started reviewing graphing in math by building a graph based on information given and gathered.

We ended the day with some movement; a cheer and some fitness.

-Wear pink tomorrow to support anti-bullying day
-Return field trip forms tomorrow!
-Early dismissal at 11:00am on Friday
-Kids with homework, it is due Friday
-The school is starting a community library of "take a book, leave a book". It is located in the school foyer. We would love it if students and parents participated. Please feel free to take a book, however if you do take one, you must leave one behind. Any donations are welcome. This is a fantastic opportunity and we hope many of you join in the fun of reading!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Full Moon Monday

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

There are 3 groups for spelling this week, I know which group I am in. I have also written the words down and am bringing them home today to practice for the week.

Group A - me, we, he, be, see, need, tree, sheep, bee, sweep
Group B - gate, rake, name, bake, fine, bike, hide, mine, side, shake
Group C - now, down, how, out, shout, about, our, house, slow, show

In Phys. Ed we started basketball! Today, we worked on our dribbling skills.

This afternoon we read to ourselves and then spent the rest of the time doing ketchups. Some of us have gotten really far behind in our work from even before Christmas break! Therefore, a few of us will be bringing a bag of homework home that NEEDS to be completed!! More then enough time has been given, at school, to get this work done. Mrs. G is asking for all work to be completed and handed in by Friday.

-Field trip Thursday, return form with money by Wednesday.
-Library tomorrow, return books!
-Music tomorrow, bring recorders.
-Wednesday is Pink Shirt day. We have started talking about it and reading books in class. Wear a pink shirt on Wednesday in support of Anti-Bullying day.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Happy Friday!

Welcome to the weekend! We had another really good day.

This morning we did more dancing as a warm up for Monday. We start to learn moves for a dance!

We will be going back to 10 words a week for 5 weeks next week too. Be on the look out, because there could be 3 groups instead of 2 starting next week.

After recess we wrapped up our Shape and Space unit of 2D and 3D shapes by building a structure. Our first task was to make a plan of what we were going to build. Mrs. G gave us a list of what we were going to be given:
-6-10 rectangular prisms
-4-5 spheres
-3-4 half spheres
-4-5 cylinders
-doughnuts (what we needed but started with 3-4)

Then, in the afternoon, after music and completing a self evaluation of our Social Studies Jobs project, we got to build the structures with some pretty cool materials! Some of them didn't turn out quite as planned, but it was still fun.

Next Week:
-only 10 word wall words next week, may be 3 groups instead of 2
-In Math we will be doing a graphing unit.
-Starting a science unit on Hot and Cold

-Return library books on Monday for library day on Tuesday
-if you are still hiding home reading or other school supplies at home, please return them ASAP
-Field trip forms need to be in by Wednesday. We are going to Maya the Bee at the Landmark Cinemas. It does cost $3. If you have any questions or concerns please contact myself or the school.

Have a splendid weekend!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

100 Day and Job Fair

Happy 100 days of school is Grade 2!

What a busy day we have had. Can you believe it has already been 100 days!? we are more then half done Grade 2!

As a fun addition to our hundreds day hearts, we did a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. Some questions it asked were:
-If I had 100 dollars, I would...
-If I have 100 pets, I would...
-If I had 100 friends, I would...
-If I was 100 feet tall, I would..
-If i had 100 _______, I would....

Tomorrow is our word wall quiz. Here are our words to practice tonight.

Group A: she, ten, wish, hat, fish, sand, shin, a, up, wash, top, make, mop, came, hug, game, his, ate, her, tape, hill, will, ball, tell, fall

Group B: last, must, just, bath, black, candy, went, sent, take, like, off, letter, little, silly, happy, boat, coat, float, long, along, chase, play, played, rain, paint

We had from right after recess until lunch to finish our projects for the job fair in the afternoon.

The afternoon was fun! We shared our job information with each other and the other grade 2 classes. We had a parent come in to talk about her job as a dental hygienist, and there was a plumber in Ms. Zimmerman room. The school police officer even came for a visit!
Tomorrow we will be completing a couple of assessments on our projects, then we can bring them home.
Check out some of the photos!

-Fun lunch forms due tomorrow!
-Home reading will go home again Monday, please please return if still at home
-Music tomorrow, bring recorders!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A Wonderful Wednesday

Today was a good, hard working day.

Mrs. G is adding a new component to our morning meetings. To help stimulate the brain so students can work to the best of their ability, it is important to be physically active every day.

Our word wall quiz is on Friday and as review today, we started creating our own stories using all of our words. This allows us to practice using our words in ways we actually would use them. Apparently, one of the best times of day to be physically active is first thing in the morning. So Mrs. G is going to teach us a new dance every couple of weeks! Each day we will learn and practice a new move and on Fridays, we will put all the moves together. There will also be opportunities for us to add to the dances!
This week we are starting with some warm up dances on GoNoodle.

After recess we discussed our job fair, again. Mrs G went over what the afternoon will look like and what our task was for the afternoon - to take our research information and organize it into some form of presentation. First, we planned out poster or board in our sketchbooks, then got to work on them this afternoon. We all worked very hard. There are going to be some pretty cool displays out tomorrow. Take a look at the pictures below to get an idea of what we did.

Tomorrow is our job fair. We are encouraged to dress up as the worker we researched and bring any props that may be helpful to the presentation.

All afternoon was time to put our presentations together, with the exception of music class.

-No home reading tonight..
-Fun lunch forms due Friday
-Dance club Friday at lunch
-100s day homework due tomorrow

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

This week we will have another 25 words as review. Today we got to choose how to practice them. Our words are below so we can practice at home too.

Word wall words:

Group A - she, wish, fish, shin, wash, make, came, game, ate, tape, will, tell, ten, het, sand, up, a, top, mop, hug, his, her, hill, ball, fall

Group B - last, just, black, went, take, off, little, happy, coat, long, chase, played, paint, must, bath, candy, sent, like, letter, silly, boat, float, along, play, rain

In Phys Ed we got to explore with skipping ropes and hula hoops.

This afternoon we continued to work on our Shape and Space Review.

Thank you for those who brought back the hundreds day homework, if you haven't please return it ASAP.

-fun lunch forms are due Friday
-please return home reading.. It is very difficult for me to assess and keep track when it is not being returned to school daily
-Job fair for social studies is on Thursday. Research and pictures can come from home as well. Tomorrow we will be putting everything together.
-Next Thursday we are going to a film festival at the Landmark Cinemas. Forms will be coming home this week and need to be returned asap. I am looking for two volunteers to come with us. Information is on the form or you can let me know via email

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Happy Long Weekend

Today was a fun day before the long weekend, on top of a really good, hard working week.

Mrs. Cokar joined us again and we were given one last chance to practice our word wall words before the quiz.

This afternoon we had music. Keep trying to remember to bring them. Again we can leave them at school for Mrs. G to hold on to for us.

For the remainder of the afternoon we worked through our Shape and Space Review: 2D and 3D shapes. Unfortunately we did not get time to go on the computers. We will have one last chance on Monday to finish the last of our research. This is something we could also do at home during our time off..

To end the day we watched a short video on the history of Valentine's Day and handed out our notes and treats to each other. Here is the link if you want to watch it too.

-Hundreds Day homework due Tuesday
-Fun lunch forms due next week
-Return library books Tuesday
-Return Home reading!!!!

Have a great long weekend! :)

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

100 Day Homework

This morning, after our morning meeting, we finished reading the book Ms. Cokar started reading to us last week. It was about a tasmanian devil family. The mom got trapped but her kids helped her escape just in time. Someone mentioned that we have a book in our classroom library that has a couple pages on tasmanian devils too!

Tomorrow is our 25 word, word wall quiz. We practiced the same ways as yesterday, however, we were able to choose or make up 1-2 other ways to practice as well (some of us used our play-dough)!

For the remainder of the morning we had library, awesome job at returning books yesterday, and phonic time with the Grade 1s.

All afternoon we got to use the computers to research our jobs. Boy did we work hard! Some people even got done or very close to done. Tomorrow will be a day for some people to start thinking about and putting together their presentation for the job fair next Thursday.

Valentine's Celebration - if you wish to bring valentines for other students in the class, you are more then welcome to. I will set aside a few minutes of time to hand out cards and talk about the significance of the day. The students who are planning to bring something wrote down everyones names on a scrap piece of paper, please look for that in their backpacks. If you have any questions please email me at

-Home Reading - went home yesterday and today, please return if you haven't already!
-Fun Lunch forms coming home today
-100 Days Homework - please see note that is coming home explaining the expectations. There is a much flexibly for creativity here. Have fun!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Another Short Week!

Mrs. G has made a deal with us and our word wall words. Since it is a short week this week and next week, and we already know all the previous words we have studied, we are going to only study 25 words this week and the other 25 next week.
To practice our words today we had a choice between:
                 -writing them forwards then backwards. For example    belong = gnoleb
                 -writing them without consonants. For example         _e_o__
                 -writing the words then tracing a color around it up to 5 times
These are all simple options to practice at home too! Wednesday will be the quiz.

Following recess we completed our Ivan's Homes chart by filling in everything we knew about his home in the jungle. Mrs. G also read us a picture book about Ivan (we practiced our questioning skills here too).

After lunch we had music. Every day 2, 4, and 6 we have music. Try to remember those recorders. Mrs. G is more then happy to hang on to them for us too.

For the remainder of the afternoon, we did research on jobs. We were very productive and will have more time tomorrow and Wednesday. next week will be putting everything together in a way to present the information at the job fair on Thursday.

Have a great night.

-Library tomorrow, please return books to school
-No school Thursday, Friday, or Monday

Friday, 5 February 2016

Happy Friday!

This morning we switched things up a little.
We started with out usual morning meeting, then we had our word wall quiz. Next week we will have the 50 words to study, the Grade 2 teachers apologize for forgetting that last year and want to thank the students and parents for reminding us.

Gymnastic has been a lot of fun! We learn a new trick everyday while still practicing ones we have already learned.

After Phys Ed we took some time to practice all the words on our word wall, again, we got to use our play-dough.

Following recess Mrs. Nelson and the Grade1s invited us over to do a little science experiment for health. Mrs. Nelson brought in 3 pieces of bread. She put one in a baggie while wearing a plastic glove, one was passed around (by everyone touching it) then placed in a separate baggies, and in the third baggies she put in a piece of bread after thoroughly washing her hands with warm water and soup.
Below are a couple pictures of our discussion and a chart stating our predictions of what we think is going to happen to each slice of bread. We will take time, once or twice a week, to look at the bread then add our thoughts and predictions to the chart.

This afternoon we reviewed 3D shapes. On Monday we will be starting an assessment of 2D and 3D shapes.
We got to watch the 3D shapes video again and build each shape with our play-dough too.

We know that 3D shapes have the following attributes:
Here is the link to the video, , ask me how many faces, edges, and vertices each shape has!

-Mrs. P, our school librarian, has asked we return books one day prior to our library day to ensure everyone is able to get another book. So please return all library books Monday!
-Music on Monday, bring your recorders!!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

A Good Day!

Tomorrow is our word wall quiz! Please help me practice tonight so I can try my best on the quiz.

Group A: tell, bell, ship, wish, the, that, then, sat, ball, mall
Group B: shout, about, house, our, out, now, down, slow, show, how

Next week is another short week, but we will be doing the 50 word quiz because we missed it last week.. Oops!

For the remainder of the day we worked through a tough introduction to a new unit on.. Questioning.
After Phys. Ed. we each had a container of play-dough on our desk. As we came in Mrs. G said nothing at all! We starting asking questions, she wouldn't answer them, Mrs. G just typed them on the computer. We were so confused!
After a few minutes, we met at the carpet and read a story, The Emperor's Cool Clothes by Lee Harper. Before, throughout, and after the story we noticed Mrs. G would stop and ask questions, but not answer them. Still confusing us..
Finally, we had a discussion and discovered that we are going to do some work around questioning; asking questions while reading, doing research on jobs, for an author study, and of course everywhere else in school and real life. Because asking questions helps us to get answers and information. Ask me what the different kinds of questions we can ask..??
To end the day, after music, Mrs. G let us build our word wall word with the play-dough. She thought it was amazing that the containers sat on our desks all day without a single person opening them (at no point did she say we couldn't open them...)

-February book orders are due tomorrow!
-A few recorders have gone missing, please check backpacks or at home, just incase someone went home with an additional recorder
-Dance club starts tomorrow at lunch. If your child goes home for lunch, we recommend they bring a lunch on Dance club days
-If you are still thinking about joining our job fair on the 18th, please let me know, we would be happy to have you!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Short Week

Welcome back! Hope you all had good long weekend. We have a couple short weeks ahead of us here so be prepared for some disruption in our school schedule.

Our word wall words for this week are below:
Group A: tell, bell, ship, wish, the, that, then, sat, ball, mall
Group B: shout, about, house, our, out, now, down, slow, show, how

Some of us have homework tonight, we are creating a story using all of our word wall words. We are certainly able to use the other groups words as well.

We have been doing gymnastics in Phys Ed, and boy has it been fun. Everyone is participating with great enthusiasm and doing a fantastic job.

In math, we are starting to wrap up our shapes unit. Next week we will be incorporating art into our final assessment for this unit before moving toward addition and subtraction.

Today, we started researching jobs! We will be continuing this research for a few days and we can do some of the work at home too.
All the Grade 2s will be hosting a Job Fair to demonstrate our knowledge and learning from this research. It will be on Thursday, February 18 from 12:30-2:00pm. If any parents (who have volunteer clearance) would like to join our fair and share a little bit about your job with the students, we would be more then happy to have you in. Just send Ms. G an email to receive more information.

-Music tomorrow, please bring recorders!
-Dance club forms due tomorrow
-Book orders due Friday