Return Zoo field trip permission forms and risk forms tomorrow!!!
There is a big list of students who have missing books from the library. Notices will be going home Monday. Take the weekend to look around home for any library books you are hiding, and return them please.
Tomorrow is our final word wall quiz of the year! Will you help study tonight so I can ace it?
Group A: in, is, it, and, big, did, man, cat, had, six
Group B: name, mine, queen, green, running, making, puppy, little, letter, funny
Group C: missed, willing, balloon, pretty, added, different, pattern, middle, zipper, carry
Today was another busy day, but fun! Teacher's Pet came in this afternoon to extend our learning on Boats and Buoyancy.
What is Teacher's Pet?
-it is a company that develops engaging activities, for all grade levels, based around the Alberta Program of Studies.
There were 4 stations set up around the room that we all worked through.
One was exploring sinking and floating objects
Two of the stations explored how to make a boat float or sink based on it's shape, weight, and how objects are dispersed inside of it.
The fourth station was a build station. Check it out, we all built, and tested, our own wooden boats!
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