Monday, 6 June 2016

Hot and Sunny Monday

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and got a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. As we see the weather getting a lot warmer, it may not be a bad idea to have a water bottle at school. This will help prevent getting dehydrated and ill.

Only 10 words this week. Next week will be our last week for word wall words.

Group A: in, is, it, and, big, did, man, cat, had, sat
Group B: name, mine, queen, green, running, making, puppy, little, letter, funny
Group C: missed, willing, balloon, pretty, added, different, pattern, middle, zipper, carry

We learned more about the Acadian unit today. First, we reviewed that they are on the East coast of Canada (and some of us have been out that way) and that they hold many traditions like lobster fest, watermelon eating contests, and wood chopping contests. We learned that one of their biggest traditions is telling folktales. A folktake is a story that has been passed down to children, grandchildren, and so on. To end the day, we started writing our very own folktales!
**Can you tell me a story or two of something that has happened either before I was born or when I was little?

In math, we started double digit subtraction. It can be very difficult to remember subtraction, not addition, and there aren't as many strategies to help answer the questions quickly and easily, but we did come up with about 8 altogether.

This Week At School:
-ELA: writing juicy sentences, word wall words
-Math: double digit subtraction
-Health: pillars of care, understanding feelings and emtions
-Social Studies: An Acadian Community
-Science: Boats and Buoyancy

-All library books need to be returned to school this week! No more books will be going home
-All home reading books need to be returned to school this week.
-Teacher's Pet field trip on Thursday 12:30-2:30pm - I am still looking for volunteers, if you are available, please let me know!
 -Zoo field trip form coming home today. Please sign and return by Friday. Also looking for volunteers to come with us then. It is next Tuesday 9:00am-2:30pm
-Sports Day Friday afternoon. Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes to be outside and a water bottle. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply at home in the morning, before coming to school. Some of the station will include water, student can choose whether or not they want to participate in those stations. You may want to bring a dry set of clothing to change into afterwards or expect students to come home a little wet. We ask that everyone wear Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday too.

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