Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Busy Learning Days

These past couple days have been packed with fun, learning activities.

Yesterday we continued our journey through an Acadian unit. We learned all about jobs in Meteghan, the main industry there being fishing! Lobster is one of their favorite things to eat, so we made lobster traps. Take a look!

Today, we learned all about lighthouses! Why are they so important?
-they guide boats to safe spots
-they warn boats of dangerous that are near by
-help boats navigate
For a different activity today, we did water color lighthouse art, take a look!
First, we drew our picture with pencil

Then, we traced over our pencil marks with a black. grey, or dark blue marker

Finally, we used water color paint to paint in the lines

This afternoon, we started a new science unit on Boats and Buoyancy! What we have learned so far:
-boats are used for work or travel
-boats float in water
-some boats carry people from place to place, while other boats carry cargo around the world
-different kinds of boats include: sailboat, yacht, raft, kayak, etc.
-buoyancy is when an abject is able to float in water - this is dependent on materials used to make the object, how heavy it is, and how the weight is distributed among the object.
Tomorrow, we will be taking turns through an experiment on objects that sink or float. In the afternoon, Teacher's Pet comes to extend our learning in this topic!

-all library/classroom books are to be returned to school tomorrow!!
-Teacher's Pet tomorrow afternoon
-Zoo field trip forms need to come back by Friday please! Today, the acknowledgement of Risk form came home, this NEEDS to be filled out completed and returned to be able to go to the zoo next week. Also, still looking for volunteers to come to the zoo, please let me know if you are available/interested.
-Friday afternoon is fun lunch and Sports Day

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