Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Wonderful Wednesday

A sickness is spreading around. For all that are home trying to get better, each day, we wish you well and hope you come back soon!

Keep Practicing those 50 words for the big quiz on Friday! Today we were sorting them. A few ideas of rules we came up with are:
-words that start with s
-words with st in them
-words with long vowel sound
-words with only 4 letters

We are nearly halfway through our short novel about the Arctic. Annie and Jack are teaching us soo much about the animals and people of the Arctic. A few things we have learned so far are:
-igloo means house and they are build out of blocks of snow, and the snow walls help keep the interior warm
-the people of the arctic have special ceremonies to honor the animals
-polar bears have taught people how to live in the snow and hunt for food
-the sun shines 24 hours a day in the summer
-the people use dog sleds as vehicles, the dogs that pull the sled are Siberian Huskies
Tomorrow we are going to learn more about the people of Nunavut.

This afternoon was spent completing social and science. All of us are now caught up in our Lets Visit Nunavut booklets as we were given plenty of time to finish the pages we have done so far.
To end the day we had a small discussion about igloos and how the snow walls keep the inside warm. Then we talked about a few ways we can heat up our house and classroom as well as cool them down.
Our task for at home tonight is to come up with a few ways that we cool down and heat up our house or a room in our house, will you please help me with this task? We are going to bring these ideas to class tomorrow.

-Home reading coming home today. Complete and return tomorrow
-Reading: Give It A Shot! fill out logs to earn hockey trading cards
-Return fun lunch forms
-School community book bin is still looking for books, if you would like to donate

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