Monday, 4 April 2016


Hope everyone had a good weekend. I am happy to be back!

We started off our day with our regular morning meeting and having a talking circle with each other to check in on our feelings, or to just talk about how the last couple weeks were.

Our word wall words for this week are:

Group A: day, may, stay, play, clay, we, me, he, be, see
Group B: fast, last, nest, must, most, step, stamp, still, west, went
Group C: this, then, thing, thank, bank, with, wish, think, sing, these

A few things we noticed in our words are:
-ay family words - day, may, stay, play, clay, ray, say,
-long e words - we, me, he, be, see, these
-ast family words - fast, last, cast, vast, blast
-st words - nest, must, most, step, stamp, still, west
-th words - this, then, thing, thank, with, think, these
-ing family words - thing, sing, ring, bling, fling, ping, ding, wing, king

We wrote them down to bring home to practice this week at home too.

After recess we had time to work on our word wall words. Mrs. G also read us a story called Pout Pout Fish Goes to School 

Following lunch we joined the other Grade 2s for some science. Since we are connecting the hot and cold unit to our Nunavut unit, we created a t-chart list with places and things we know are colder than Nunavut and hotter then Nunavut.
Colder then Nunavut:
-The Moon (at night can get to -175 degrees C)
Hotter then Nunavut:
-The Moon (during the day can get to over 100 degrees C)

After this discuss, Mr. Fisher introduced to us the thermometer. He had a few different card with statements on it them such as; "an extremely cold day", "a fever", "temperature of boiling water", "average room temperature", "temperature that water freezes", etc. Together, we had to decide were we thought each card belonged on the thermometer.
There were some great discussions around our thoughts and ideas.

-return library books for library tomorrow
-home reading - complete tonight, return tomorrow!
-book orders coming home today, due back on Friday

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