Thursday, 14 April 2016

Weekend is almost here!

Tomorrow is our big word wall quiz! We have been practicing hard at school this week, will you help me practice one last time tonight??

Group A: go, so, no, do, you, fast, last, ant, find, went, sent, bend, find, mind, kind, want, day, may, lake, bake, five, time, nine, late, gave, cone, line, home, note, robe, snake, jeep, feet, stay, play, clay, we, me, he, be, see

Group B: you, your, yes, yell, drop, line, side, dress, draw, saw, more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring, good, book, school, took, out, shout, about, our, house, new, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are, fast, last, nest, must, step, stamp, still, west

Group C: boy, toy, oil, soil, other, mother, sister, boil, brother, father, have, give, love, from, live, friend, much, such, old, told, new, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are, more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring, this, then, thing, thank, bank, with, wish, think, sign, there

The Grade 1s joined us for calendar and reading buddies.

After recess we continued working on our Roll to 100 with Place Value game. Together we developed a self assessment to go with this game. Ideas of what we can assess while playing this game are:
-am I using base ten blocks?
-am I working well with my partner and playing fair?
-am I using addition skills?
-am I filling in the worksheet properly?
-am I following the instructions?
-did I work the whole time?

This Afternoon was spent doing science and social. We brought our ideas together for how to cool down a room if it is too hot and warm up a room if it is too cold.

Then we learned about the people of Nunavut. Here are a few points:
-people who live in Nunavut are known as Inuit
-Inuit people have much pride and love for their land
-Inuit live in small communities where everyone is considered a relative
-Inuit believe in co-operation, mildness, generosity, and gentleness
-Inuit children learned through the adults
-some traditional clothing the Inuit used the wear are parkas, trousers, boots, mittens, caribou or rabbit socks
-most clothing was made from seal or caribou skin and fur

To end the day we got to choose a coloring page of a traditional Inuit outfit. Tomorrow we will finish coloring it, Mrs. G will take a picture of our face, then we will replace the face in the picture with our face. That way it will look like we are wearing the outfit!

-Home Reading: complete and return tomorrow
-return fun lunch forms due TOMORROW
-reading give it a shot - continue, some are starting to earn hockey trading cards

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