Group A: go, so, no, do, you, fast, last, ant, find, went, sent, bend, find, mind, kind, want, day, may, lake, bake, five, time, nine, late, gave, cone, line, home, note, robe, snake, jeep, feet, stay, play, clay, we, me, he, be, see
Group B: you, your, yes, yell, drop, line, side, dress, draw, saw, more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring, good, book, school, took, out, shout, about, our, house, new, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are, fast, last, nest, must, step, stamp, still, west
Group C: boy, toy, oil, soil, other, mother, sister, boil, brother, father, have, give, love, from, live, friend, much, such, old, told, new, girl, turn, hurt, first, were, card, part, start, are, more, store, stand, star, blew, flew, new, stone, sting, ring, this, then, thing, thank, bank, with, wish, think, sign, there
The Grade 1s joined us for calendar and reading buddies.
After recess we continued working on our Roll to 100 with Place Value game. Together we developed a self assessment to go with this game. Ideas of what we can assess while playing this game are:
-am I using base ten blocks?
-am I working well with my partner and playing fair?
-am I using addition skills?
-am I filling in the worksheet properly?
-am I following the instructions?
-did I work the whole time?
This Afternoon was spent doing science and social. We brought our ideas together for how to cool down a room if it is too hot and warm up a room if it is too cold.
Then we learned about the people of Nunavut. Here are a few points:
-people who live in Nunavut are known as Inuit
-Inuit people have much pride and love for their land
-Inuit live in small communities where everyone is considered a relative
-Inuit believe in co-operation, mildness, generosity, and gentleness
-Inuit children learned through the adults
-some traditional clothing the Inuit used the wear are parkas, trousers, boots, mittens, caribou or rabbit socks
-most clothing was made from seal or caribou skin and fur
To end the day we got to choose a coloring page of a traditional Inuit outfit. Tomorrow we will finish coloring it, Mrs. G will take a picture of our face, then we will replace the face in the picture with our face. That way it will look like we are wearing the outfit!
-Home Reading: complete and return tomorrow
-return fun lunch forms due TOMORROW
-reading give it a shot - continue, some are starting to earn hockey trading cards
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