Thursday, 26 November 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Today was a good, hard working day. We even earned a big marble!

Tomorrow is our word wall quiz! So to practice our words today we completed a fill in the blank page. Then, after Phys. Ed. Mrs. Coker joined us and we played word wall Bingo. She also started reading us a story until Mrs. G. came back.
Here are our word wall words one last time before the quiz tomorrow.
Group A: top, stop, men, hen, pen, fix, mix, six, fox, box
Group B: place, make, making, help, here, want, nice, to, two, into

After recess, for math, we did measurement. Last week we measured our own footprint using both standard and non-standard units of measurement. Today, we learned how big an actual foot is. First we measured how many centimeters our foot was, then we predicted how many centimeters we thought a foot was, then we learned that it was 30 cm! For an activity tomorrow, we each needed to measure out a piece of paper that was exactly 1 square foot. We were given a piece of chart paper and with a partner, measured and cut out 1 square foot using rulers. Tomorrow afternoon we will be getting together with the other Grade 2 classes to do an activity with our squares.

Following lunch we had music. We are almost all ready for the winter celebration!

After music, we did Social Studies. At this time we had a chance to finish our reflection on the 6 land regions in Alberta in our visual journals.

Following a quick yoga, body break, we finished the day with doing more research on elephants. We only have a few more days to do this research before we use in for other, upcoming, fun activities. If we want, we can do some extra research at home and bring it to school.

-Monday is the last day to vote for the worst mustache between Mr. Hebert, Mr. Sadowsky, and Mr. Shackleton
-Booking for conferences next week is now open online

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