Welcome back to this snowy day. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
This morning we got to do Daily 5 again. Right after that, we read and discussed our new word wall words. This week there are a few red words, words with a bossy e, and words that start with the same sound and have the same vowel sound in them. We had to put our words into sentences that had 5 or more words in it. I also wrote down the words on a piece of paper which I will be binging home today. Just in case I lose them or cant find them, here are the words:
Group A: not, on, dog, got, the, dig, at, in, can, to
Group B: the, that, them, day, may, made, was, at, it, a
After recess, we had math and we did something new today. We focused on the days of the week and started talking about the months of the year. Here are some things we did with the days of the week:
-how many days are in one week
-Sunday is the first day of the week
-Saturday is the last day of the week
-it is a repeating pattern that goes on forever and ever
-we practiced counting which day comes when, based on Mrs. G's question (for example, which day comes 3 days after Thursday?)
-we listened to and sang along with a song
As for months in a year, we know that January always comes first and December is always the last month. Also that there are 12 months in a year that also repeat over and over again forever.
After lunch we read to ourselves for 15 minutes. It was a nice time to cool down and practice our reading skills. Then we got a chance to finish some math before going into social studies. Whoever did not finish the Math worksheet is bringing it home tonight for homework..
For social studies we talked about our bedroom maps. I need to bring to school tomorrow if I didn't today. The things that my bedroom map needs to have on it is:
Following that discussion, we did a KWL chart on the prairies. Some of the things we said we already knew are:
And, some of the questions we have about the prairies are:
-what kinds of wild and domestic animals are there?
-How many people liver here?
-What did people do in the past on the prairies?
-What makes the prairies unique?
-What is family life like in the prairies?
A few of the male teachers in the school are having a Movember competition. Mr. Hebert, Mr. Sadowsky, and Mr. Shackleton are having a competition of who has the worst mustache. Starting now, anyone in the school can vote. It costs $1.00 per vote. You can vote as many times as you like. The person with the most votes will win some sort of pre-determined prize at the end of the month. The class that raises the most money will get to choose an outfit for the teacher with the worst mustache to wear for an entire day. If you wish to vote please bring $1.00. Mrs. G will hold on to the money and keep track of all votes until the end of the month. All money raised will go to mens health awareness and research foundations.
The Mavricks are still asking for your help in donating food for our troops and those in need. You can bring any food item that will not go bad, like a can of soup or some pasta. Tomorrow is the last day to bring food items.
Also, if you have any old winter gear that maybe does not fit anymore or you just have not used, you can donate those items as well. They will be sent out to children of all ages who cannot afford to buy new winter gear.
Beddington Heights thanks you all for your support as we do these fundraisers for our community.
-Home reading. Please, please complete and return to school tomorrow
-Practice those word wall words
-Fun lunch form coming home today, they are due back next Wednesday, at the latest
-There is no school on Wednesday!
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