Friday, 13 November 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy Friday!

Today was a pretty busy day. After Daily 5 we had our Word Wall Quiz. Mrs. G can tell we have been working hard and practicing our words, it shows in our everyday writing too.

After Phys. Ed. we started our new novel study. Mrs. G read to us a short description about the book, then we had a short discussion on how we were feeling about the characters in the story and what we thought the story was going to be about. A few of the feeling we had were:

-sad because the gorilla is in a cage
-sad because the gorilla might start thinking about his home in the jungle
-sad because humans took him away from his home and father
-sad because he was taken from his family and happy because he likes living in the mall
-happy because he has friends he gets along with
Ask me what the story is about so far and to explain why we had these feelings so early in the story.

In math, we did problem solving. First, we quickly reviewed the days of the week and months of the year. Then, we went through the 5 problem solving questions together and finished by answering the questions independently. We will be doing a lot more work around problem solving next week. Today was a really good intro into what problem solving questions are and how we can answer them.

Right after lunch we had music, we did much better today with Mr Rattan! When we got back to class, we started to review prairie communities and the map we did yesterday, then, we had another fire drill! Luckily we were not outside for very long today. Our class does a fantastic job during these drills.

When we finally came back inside, we finished labeling our prairie provinces. Ask me what we labeled on our maps.

-Picture retakes are Wednesday
-Movember competition/fundraiser is still going on. Our school goal is to raise $300.00 by the end of the month. You are more then welcome to vote as many times as you like for $1.00 per vote.
-There will be no school for the kids on Friday.

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