Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This morning, for our morning meeting, the Grade 1s joined us. We worked with each other through every step of the calendar and had a chance to ask each other questions and answer them (rather than it always being lead by the teachers). Then we continued on with our regular routine of Daily 5 and Phys. Ed.

After Phys. Ed. we were given 30 minutes to finish our word wall work from yesterday. Some of us did not finish and are bringing it home for homework tonight. Please check with me so I can get that done and return it to school tomorrow. The task was to copy down each word 3 times then use them in a sentence with 5 or more words.

Following recess we continued with our Social Studies unit that we started last week, about jobs in Calgary, Alberta. After taking a lot at the huge list we complied on Friday, we thought of a few more jobs to add to the list. Some jobs that we came up with are:
- biologist                        - doctor                             - pilot
- police officer                 - artist                               - solider
- zoo keeper                     - music teacher                 - chef
We also finished writing in our journals what we want to be when we grow up and why. Ask me what I wrote down! To end the lesson be added a few more jobs to the list. Tomorrow we will be having a discussion on how these jobs impact us living here and the impact they have on each other and the community.
As we continue this unit our next steps will include activities such as:
-interviewing an adult about their job
-researching a job of our choice and presenting the information in the form of a job fair

To start off the afternoon we got together with the Grade 1s again to do an activity about the book Mrs. Nelson read to us yesterday, There was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed some Snow. We are creating a comic strip around the events of the book.

For the remainder of the afternoon, we moved into our Ivan centers again. Today we were with Ms. Zimmer. We talked a bit about measurement and how big elephants are. The plan is to create a life size baby elephant!

-Book orders due Thursday
-Please return library books back tomorrow!

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