Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today, after our morning meeting and Daily 5, we played Word Wall Bingo. We were given three attempts to get a bingo; the first time by getting one row, the second time by getting two rows, and the third time by getting a full blackout. Games like that are always a fun way to review and practice our words.

We also did a couple Halloween activities today; one writing and one art. The writing piece was titles "Halloween is Coming" and altogether we brainstormed six ideas that we could write about. We were all pretty excited to do this writing; ask me what I wrote!
Once we completed our writing, we got to do an art activity, extending our learning of shapes and patterns in math. Each of us got our own outline of a pumpkin that was divided up by lines. In each section of the pumpkin we had to create a design using shapes or patterns. It did not matter what colors or shapes or patterns we used, but every section had to be different. They are looking pretty cool!

After lunch we had music. You will have to ask what we did with Mr. Rattan.

Also, this afternoon we had science. We did a review of magnets yesterday, discussing everything we already knew, what to know, and what we learned throughout the unit. So today, we started doing a final assessment for the unit. Mrs. G gave us a lot of time to work slow and hard making sure we answer all the questions, the best we can.

-Home Reading - please complete, sign, and return to school everyday!
-Fun lunch tomorrow - if you did not return the envelope and money, please remember to still bring a lunch from home
-Early dismissal on Thursday at 11:00am
-No school Friday
-Halloween Dance Thursday evening from 6:00-8:00

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