Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Welcome back to another short week.

This morning, after our morning meeting and Daily 5, we looked at our new word wall words. Lucky for us, we are back down to 10 words a week for a few weeks. Our words are:

Group A:      Group B:
-pup               -be
-bus               -see
-but                -got
-tub               -she
-I                   -sheep
-up                -shop
-us                 -queen
-run               -green
-fun               -bee
-to                 -he

We have written down our list of words and will be bringing them home today to study for the week. We also had to be extra creative today by putting each word in a sentence that had 5 or more words.

Right after recess we had Phys Ed. Since the rest of the Grade 2s are doing swimming lessons right now, we had Phys Ed with the Grade 1s. We helped them practice their throwing skills and ended the class with a game of dodgeball.

Our math unit of measurement and science unit of magnets is coming to a close. Before we start the post assessment for our magnets unit, we added to the last, L, section of our KWL chart. This was everything that we have learned throughout our unit. Here are a things we came up with:
-magnets seek attraction
-magnets can stick to each other with something weak in the middle of two
-if they stay attracted to something for a long time, they weaken
-we use magnets all different ways every day

In Math, we reviewed what we already knew about measurement. We really had to guide Mrs. G with using a ruler properly. A few other units of measurement we discussed were, weight, time, and capacity.

-Everyone has home reading to do tonight. Please complete, sign, and return to school tomorrow.
-Black and Orange day on Thursday. Wear orange or black, Halloween costumes are not allowed.
-Early dismissal on Thursday. No school on Friday.
-Library tomorrow, please return all library books.

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