Thursday, 29 October 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy long weekend.

Remember there is no school tomorrow.

Today we had our word wall quiz. Everyone did very, very well. :) Mrs. G made us a copy of our 50 word, word wall quiz from last week that we get to bring home. Take a look at how I did!

After our word wall quiz, we joined the other Grade 2 classes and watched the new movie of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hopefully we can get a chance to finish it next week.

At 10:00 we had an assembly for Mrs Rassmassan because she is retiring. Today was her last day with us at Beddington. Hopefully she will come and visit.

-Halloween Dance tonight at 6:00pm
-Pictures coming home today. Keep on the look out for retake day.
-November calendar coming today.
-Book orders are coming home today, they are due next Thursday, November 5.

Have a Happy Halloween

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today, after Daily 5, we had to sort our word wall words into two groups: short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds. Tomorrow is our word wall quiz! Here are our words again to practice tonight:

Group A       Group B
-pup               -be
-bus                -see
-but                -got
-tub                -she
-I                   -sheep
-up                -shop
-us                -queen
-run               -green
-fun               -bee
-to                 -he

In phys ed we did stations, but we got to go anywhere we wanted to and switch whenever we wanted after making sure we cleaned up the equipment we were using.

It was fun lunch today, Yummm!

After lunch we got a chance to look at some books from our classroom library. Then we had a conversation about the pillars of care, What are we doing well and what we can continue to work on. It was a nice reminder for everyone before the long weekend.

In math, we started to learn about data and what a graph is. A graph is gathering information (or data), measuring it, and then organizing it.

To end the day, because we worked pretty hard on our school work, Mrs. G gave us 5 minutes of free time. Ask me what I did.

-Home Reading! Please complete and return to school. No home reading will be going home tomorrow because it is the start of the weekend.
-Wear orange and/or black to school tomorrow
-Halloween Dance tomorrow evening from 6:00-8:00pm in the gymnasium
-Early dismissal at 11:00am tomorrow
-No school Friday

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today, after our morning meeting and Daily 5, we played Word Wall Bingo. We were given three attempts to get a bingo; the first time by getting one row, the second time by getting two rows, and the third time by getting a full blackout. Games like that are always a fun way to review and practice our words.

We also did a couple Halloween activities today; one writing and one art. The writing piece was titles "Halloween is Coming" and altogether we brainstormed six ideas that we could write about. We were all pretty excited to do this writing; ask me what I wrote!
Once we completed our writing, we got to do an art activity, extending our learning of shapes and patterns in math. Each of us got our own outline of a pumpkin that was divided up by lines. In each section of the pumpkin we had to create a design using shapes or patterns. It did not matter what colors or shapes or patterns we used, but every section had to be different. They are looking pretty cool!

After lunch we had music. You will have to ask what we did with Mr. Rattan.

Also, this afternoon we had science. We did a review of magnets yesterday, discussing everything we already knew, what to know, and what we learned throughout the unit. So today, we started doing a final assessment for the unit. Mrs. G gave us a lot of time to work slow and hard making sure we answer all the questions, the best we can.

-Home Reading - please complete, sign, and return to school everyday!
-Fun lunch tomorrow - if you did not return the envelope and money, please remember to still bring a lunch from home
-Early dismissal on Thursday at 11:00am
-No school Friday
-Halloween Dance Thursday evening from 6:00-8:00

Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Welcome back to another short week.

This morning, after our morning meeting and Daily 5, we looked at our new word wall words. Lucky for us, we are back down to 10 words a week for a few weeks. Our words are:

Group A:      Group B:
-pup               -be
-bus               -see
-but                -got
-tub               -she
-I                   -sheep
-up                -shop
-us                 -queen
-run               -green
-fun               -bee
-to                 -he

We have written down our list of words and will be bringing them home today to study for the week. We also had to be extra creative today by putting each word in a sentence that had 5 or more words.

Right after recess we had Phys Ed. Since the rest of the Grade 2s are doing swimming lessons right now, we had Phys Ed with the Grade 1s. We helped them practice their throwing skills and ended the class with a game of dodgeball.

Our math unit of measurement and science unit of magnets is coming to a close. Before we start the post assessment for our magnets unit, we added to the last, L, section of our KWL chart. This was everything that we have learned throughout our unit. Here are a things we came up with:
-magnets seek attraction
-magnets can stick to each other with something weak in the middle of two
-if they stay attracted to something for a long time, they weaken
-we use magnets all different ways every day

In Math, we reviewed what we already knew about measurement. We really had to guide Mrs. G with using a ruler properly. A few other units of measurement we discussed were, weight, time, and capacity.

-Everyone has home reading to do tonight. Please complete, sign, and return to school tomorrow.
-Black and Orange day on Thursday. Wear orange or black, Halloween costumes are not allowed.
-Early dismissal on Thursday. No school on Friday.
-Library tomorrow, please return all library books.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

This morning we got extra time for our Daily 5 time because Mrs. G was doing reading with everyone. It was a nice time to read to friend, play word games, or do another activity.

After Daily 5 we went right to Phys. Ed. We are practicing our throwing skills and making sure we are throwing with the right hand and stepping forward with the correct foot.

Following Phys Ed Mrs. Coker was with us and we played word wall bingo! She also read us some funny Halloween stories.

After lunch we worked really hard on our letter to Mr. Willy Wonka. Almost all of us are on the good copy. To end off the day, we finished reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tomorrow afternoon, while Mrs. G is at Safety Patrol Training, we will be getting together with the other Grade 2s to complete an activity to wrap up the novel study.

Tomorrow is the 50 word quiz! Practice, practice, practice. If you need them again, the words are listed below:
-on      -red      -jam     -it         -him      -kite        -cute
-not     -hot      -pet      -up        -I          -same      -mine
-but     -as       -nap      -small   -for       -bone      -am
-at       -has      -big      -land     -or        -ride        -a
-had    -fox      -is        -hand    -four     -name     -pan
-in       -box     -his      -call     -we        -came     -cat
-did     -mix     -an       -all      -man      -ask        -sat
-get     -egg     -and     -can     -men      -add

Home Reading: Please complete and return all home reading materials to school tomorrow. I will not be sending home reading home for the weekend but I would like all of it to be at school. This will help me to keep track of all the items. Thank you for your cooperation.

-Library on Tuesday

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Today was another beautiful Fall day!

This morning, following Daily 5, we did a new activity with our word wall words. We had to try to sort our words as many different ways as possible. For each sorting rule, it was not an expectation to use every single word. Ask me about the ways I sorted our words and together, lets see if we can come up with a few more rules!

After recess, we had math, and today we did some work around representing numbers. This lesson was a continuation on what we were doing with the artist, Mrs. Stables. Together, we thought of 9 different ways to represent a number. They were:
-write the numeral
-use objects and draw a picture
-use ten frames
-tally marks
-place value
-draw and label on a number line
Once we did a couple examples together, we had to do 5 on our own. Mrs. G gave us 3 numbers then we got to choose the next 2. We did not have to use every single strategy to show each number, but we did have to use 3. 

Right after lunch we had science. Everyone has now had a chance to test their magnetic machine and write a reflection as to what happened. Now, to finish up our project, we are all writing a letter to Mr. Wonka about our machine and why he should pick ours. Ms. Binks, Mr. Fisher, and Mrs. G hope to send our letters to Mr. Wonka next week. Hopefully we will hear back from him!

Thank you for completing the home reading each night and sending it back. Every morning I take time to have the students read the book to me as well, before I give them a sticker. If I feel a students needs more practice with a book, I will send it home again in a week or so to try again. I will also adjust the level of book accordingly, if necessary. I really appreciate your cooperation in taking the time to read with you child every night. 

-Swimming ribbons coming home today
-Home reading tonight. Please read the book, sign the log, and return to school tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

This morning, after Daily 5, we continues the 5 different tasks with our word wall words. There were a lot of words work through, so it was nice to have 2 days to try all the tasks. Among doing all our work, we went and got our pictures taken.

We also had library today. We still need to work on remembering to return our library books each week so that we can sign out a new one. Library is every Tuesday morning.

Following library, we finally had another chance to read some more of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The last time Mrs G read to us, Violet ate a piece of gum that wasn't ready yet and turned into a blueberry! Ask me what happened in the book today.

All afternoon we had science with the other two classes, to finish up our magnetic machines for Mr Willy Wonka. First, we were given one last half hour to completely finish building our machine with our partners. Then, we started writing a letter to Mr Willy Wonka. We had to write about who we are, a description of our machine, and why he should chose each of our machines specifically. While some groups were testing their machines, the rest of us started writing our letters. Tomorrow we will switch duties.

-Home reading tonight. Please complete and return to school tomorrow.
-Practice word wall words  

Monday, 19 October 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Welcome back to another beautiful and busy Fall day.

This morning we started reviewing all 50 word wall words. There were 5 different ways we could practice them: rainbow write, pyramid write, across and down, vowels blue, and fancy writing. Ask me how to do each and I will show you. Mrs. G typed up the words for each of us to bring home so that we can practice in the evenings too.

Today was the last day with our Artist, Mrs. Stables. We split into smaller groups and met with her in the learning commons to put together our big, final project, using a variety of numeration strategies. We can't wait for all you to see the final project at the Winter celebration!
While half of us were working with Mrs. Stables, the rest of us did some "ketchups"

Home reading is coming home today. Each student has their own labeled bag. Inside the bag is a book, that your child chose to read to you, as well as 3 papers - one is the cover page, page 2 is a list of comprehension questions that you can ask following reading the book (you do not have to ask all the questions every night, however 2 or 3 would be good), and a log to fill in. Please return all items, in the bag, to school the following day, completed. I will check the log to see if it was completed, if so, I will put a sticker or stamp next to the parent signature and a new book will be chosen; if not, the book will be sent home again, as I will assume it did not get read the first evening.
This program is intended to help your child build reading fluency, comprehension, and develop a joy of reading. It will also help to keep you on track as to how your child is doing. Some of the books might be a little too easy or a little too hard, this is a good variation for the students to be challenged but still have confidence. However if you are noticing a trend that is not working, please let me know and I will adjust the program accordingly.

-Library tomorrow, please return books!
-Tomorrow is Picture Day
-Fun lunch forms are due back tomorrow

Friday, 16 October 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Happy Friday! 

Today was a very busy day with getting work completed. 
Following Daily 5 we had our word wall quiz. Did you know that we now know how to spell and read 50 words!? They are all on our word wall, below the white board. We will be practicing all 50 words all next week, then on Friday, we will be having a big quiz of all the words. This will help to us to remember how to spell the words so far, before they get even more difficult. 

After recess we had some time to continue working on our measurement booklet. Today is the last day for this opportunity. If it does not get done in class, it will have to come home to be completed, as we have been given more then 2 hours to get this work done. However, we did work pretty good with our partners today. 

This afternoon we started by reading to ourselves for 10 minutes. It was a nice time to look at the books in our classroom library and cool down from lunch. 
Then we went into a writing activity for health. A few weeks ago we did some work around the pillars of care, and everyday we are reminded of them. So today, we did some reflecting. We wrote about what we have been doing well and how, and what we need to improve and how we will do that. 

-Home reading will start going home on Monday
-Library on Tuesday, please return library books
-Picture Day is Tuesday

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

This week sure is flying by!

We were very busy this morning practicing our word wall words for tomorrows quiz and finishing up our Thanksgiving Recounts. To practice our word wall words, we wrote them using rainbow writing. Ask me how we did it and I'll show you as practice tonight at home!
The Thanksgiving Recount is a summary of our long weekend in the form of a booklet. We had to write 5 sentences, giving each one a detailed picture.

After recess the artist, Mrs. Stables, was with us again. Today, we finished drawing our machines, then using a marker to trace the inside of every line we drew, and finishing it off by using water to spread the marker color around. The final product looks like water color paint and very cool. Next week we will be putting all of these pictures together to make one big mural.

This afternoon, we started with music. Mr. Rattan says we are doing very well with learning and understanding musical notes.

Following music we had Math. We continued working through our measurement booklets that we started last week. Just to remind you we are learning how to measure objects using both non-standard (objects) and standard (ruler) units of measurement.
We also had to finish writing out our math goals for the year. After choosing one, last week, we wrote one sentence stating what we are good at and what we could improve on for that specific goal. Mrs G will use these sentences to develop our learning plans for the year and come up with strategies to help us achieve these goals my the end of Grade 2.

-Picture day is Tuesday, October 20th - note coming home today
-Bring a large ziploc bag for home reading books
-Raz-Kids is available to all students now - letter and login information coming home today
-Fun lunch forms are due back next week

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

We got a new list of word wall words today, and we noticed a number of different word families and that we have already become experts with some of the words from already studying them. Our 2 lists this week are as follows:
-can         -add
-pan         -ask
-man        -came
-cat          -name
-sat          -ride
-as           -bone
-had         -save
-sit           -kite
-six          -cute
-ran         -mine
In the first list, we noticed the 'an' family with the words can, pan, man, and ran. There is also the 'at' family with words cat and sat. In the second word list there is the 'ame' family with words came and name, we also came up with fame, tame, shame, and game. We also took note that the second list has 8 words with a bossy e at the end that makes all the vowel letters say their name instead of sound. Keeping these little tricks in mind help us when sounding out and writing new words.

After Phys Ed we did a writing activity about our Thanksgiving weekend. It consisted of 3 papers folder over each other to make a little flip book. We had to write 5 sentences and and draw a picture for each sentence.

Following recess we had our first time block with the artist, Mrs. Stables. Ask me what we did with her today, because we started a pretty cool project!

We finally finished our oompa loompa art! They all look so good and unique.

-Please return library books so a new one can be signed out
-Please bring a large ziploc bag for home reading books

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Happy Long weekend!

We started off the morning with our word wall quiz. Once again, we did pretty good. Next week the words start to get a little more difficult.

After our quiz, we did some goal setting in math. As a class, we brainstormed 9 different goals of areas in math that we could continue to work on and improve on all year long. A few of the goals we came up with are:
-not writing numbers backwards
-explain our thinking
-skip counting (by 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, etc.) through writing and speaking
-use different ways and more then one way to show answers to questions
Once we complied our list of goals, we came up with strategies, that we will actually use, as ways we can work towards each goal. Finally, we each chose one of those goals and wrote it on a sticky note for Mrs. G to add to our personal learning plans.

This afternoon we did some more math, but a continuation in measurement. With a partner, we worked our way through a booklet that had a variety of measuring activities in it. We had to use both non-standard and standard units of measurement.

To end off the day, we were given another chance to build our magnetic machine with the Grade 2s from the other classes. They are really coming together and we can't wait to test them out.

-Fun lunch form went home today.
-Library on Tuesday, please return books.
-Home reading will be starting mid next week, please bring a large ziploc bag

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tomorrow is our word wall words quiz! Today we practiced our words by playing Bingo, Mrs. G even played the game with us. In the end we all won by getting a black out.

This afternoon, we focused on math. We reviewed what non-standard units of measurement were, what kinds of objects we could use to measure things, and how using different objects have different results.
Then, we moved on to standard units of measure. At school, we will mostly use a 30cm long ruler. We learned that there are a few rulers when using a ruler;
-measure bumper to bumper (not having spaces between each progression with the ruler)
-measure in a straight line
-don't overlap the ruler
Everyone did very well with measure a variety of item around the classroom. Help me to practice measuring at home too, using both units of measure (standard and non-standard).

-Tomorrow is the last day of swimming
-October book orders are due tomorrow
-No school for students on Friday or Monday

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Today, before swimming, we completed our writing activities from yesterday. Putting our word wall words into sentences and writing 5 sentences about our weekend.

We also had library first thing this morning. Some of us still need to work on remembering to return those books so that we can get a new one signed out.

After lunch we got together with the other Grade 2s and continued to work on building our magnetic machine for Mr Willy Wonka. They are all starting to really come together and hopefully by the end of the week we can test them.

To end the day, we did math. Today we started to learn about measurement. Our Artist in Residency starts next week and before the artist comes to work with us there are a few things we need to learn. We learned about non-standard units of measurement. Together, we made a list of all the objects we could use to measure a specific piece of paper. We each got to pick 2 different objects to measure with. It was fun to compare our findings. Tomorrow we will be learning how to measure using standard units!

-Only 2 days left of swimming. Remember to wear your suit to school and bring a towel.
-Parent council note went home today.
-October book orders are due Thursday.
-Word wall quiz will be Thursday.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Welcome back. This week is a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday on Monday. Thursday will be a full day but there is no school for students on Friday or Monday.

On Monday, we start our Artist in Residency program for 5 days. We will be doing some work around the project in class this week, with the artist who is coming next week, and continuing our learning on the same topic following the completion of the project. Our artist project will have a focus on number sense and measurement.

Today, we did a short writing piece about our weekend. We were expected to write 5 sentences, as well as, continuing to practice writing neatly with spaces, writing letters the correct way and size, and doing our best spelling (by sounding out words we do not already know how to spell).

There will be two groups for our word wall words, everyone knows which set of words to practice at home for the quiz on Friday. However, during the week, in class, we all will be studying all of the words. This will help build our word recognition and build our vocabulary.
Group A:           Group B:
-an                     -up
-at                      -it
-and                   -him
-am                    -I
-a                       -for
-in                      -or
-is                      -four
-it                       -we
-big                    -man
-did                    -men

This afternoon we had a chance to work more on our Oompa Loompa art. They are coming together very nicely and will look really good once completed.

We also got to continue our science project for Mr Willy Wonka. Some of us even started building the machine! Hopefully tomorrow everyone will be building, then in a couple days we can test the machines and send our ideas out to Mr Wonka.

-Library tomorrow - please return books
-Swimming tomorrow - please come to school wearing swim suit
-Book orders are due Thursday

Friday, 2 October 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

Happy Friday!

We all did well on our word wall quiz again today, keep up the hard work because they are about to get a little more tough.

Following our quiz, we went right into science. Today we created a magnetic object. In our groups we were given a really strong magnet, a pair of scissors, and a pile of paper clips. We had to stroke the scissors with the magnet, in the same direction, a certain amount of times, then see how many paper clips the scissors could pick up. There was a worksheet we filled in as well showing our predictions and final observations of the experiment.

This afternoon we continued working on our Oompa Loompa art as well as the blueprint of the new machine, with our partners, for Mr Willy Wonka's factory. Next week, we get to start building a small scale of the model!

Thank you for continuing to wear bathing suits to school in the morning, it sure helps with getting into the pool for our lessons on time. Swimming continues on Monday, so again, please come with bathing suits on, extra underwear, and a towel.

-Library on Tuesday, please have books returned so that another one can be signed out
-Book orders due Thursday, October 8
-Swimming on Monday

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What an eventful day it was today. After reviewing our word wall words together (because there will be a quiz on them tomorrow), we joined Ms Binks and Mr Fishers class again, to discuss the next step in our science project for Mr Willy Wonka.
We need to develop a blueprint of the new magnetic machine that will pick up multiple chocolate bars at once and drop them into a box to be shipped away. Together, we decided what we need to include in our blueprint as well as list of materials that we can use to build our machine with next week. Once we chose our partners, we began the blueprint process.

To practice tonight for the quiz, our word wall words are:
- his

We also started swimming today and it was a lot of fun! The bus driver said we did a great job on the bus, and we also were able to get ready before and after swimming very quickly. We can't for our next days of swimming lessons.

This afternoon, we got together with Ms Binks and Mr Fishers class, again, to talk about an art project we started that relates to the novel we are reading, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Ask us about the art project because it is pretty cool.

-October Calendar is coming home today
-October book orders coming home today and due back Thursday, October 8
-Last chance tomorrow to bring a toonie for Terry
-Library on Tuesday